Pedagogical conditions of artistic taste formation among the students in the process of professional training

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The spiritual life of a modern man includes the variety of feelings which as «the baton» of the historical, cultural national experience is passed from the past to the future generations. So the artistic taste is the part of practically all man’s feelings. As we think the upbringing of soul which is capable to empathize is one of the main aims of the modern pedagogy. Embodiment of principles of democracy, humanistic priorities in development of artistic culture determine deep changes in the field of formation of personality artistic taste. A problem of development and formation of personality artistic taste is difficult, ambiguous and investigated by the representatives of different sciences. The criteria of aesthetic estimation of all spheres of people’s vital functions are focused in artistic taste, s/he comes forward as invariant basis for creation of personality-unique forms of behavior, thought and creative activity of personality. On the basis of the theoretical analysis and making foundations on the general methodological points of the modern pedagogical science for more efficient forming of the artistic taste of the students majoring in art in the process of professional training the article defines the pedagogical conditions: the integration of the disciplines of aesthetic and art cycle; the synthesis of the spatial types of art; use of variety of the creative art activity; the organization of the systematic acquaintance of students with the aesthetic and art values. Pedagogical conditions in the real teaching and educational process must be realized simultaneously.

About the authors

Mikhail Yurievich Birukov

Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Author for correspondence.

associate professor of the Chair of Design and Project Technologies

Russian Federation, Lugansk


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