Participation of professional associations of educators in the project «Socialization and management of the Samara Region youth talents and abilities development trajectory»

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The following paper deals with socialization of the Samara Region youth in the direction of the modern younger generation talents and abilities development. The authors consider modern social environment as a basis of a young person’s identity formation which directly influences his/her character. The authors offer to change methods of social interaction between public organizations and public authorities to increase their effective functioning. For this purpose, they analyze the work of public associations of educators of Samara. The authors offer to use a communicative (intersubjective) way of interaction of all participants of the process which is based on horizontal interaction where each interested party carries out a function within the competence by equal participation. As a result, joint activity gains a character of a community. This kind of interaction increases each participant’s ability to solve joint problems of any complexity, increasing at the same time abilities of others. Using a technology of multi-agent automated systems (MAS) in planning and management of the youth talents and abilities development trajectory, the most effective result in collaboration of public organizations and public authorities can be achieved.

About the authors

Ivan Konstantinovich Andronchev

Samara State Transport University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of technical sciences, professor of Electric Transport Department

Russian Federation

Natalia Ivanovna Popova

Samara State Transport University


senior lecturer of Personnel Management Department

Russian Federation

Dmitry Alexandrovich Popov

Samara State Transport University


candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Natural Sciences Department

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Andronchev I.K., Popova N.I., Popov D.A.

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