Ural-Caspian Region as a historical and geographical phenomenon (XVI – the beginning of the XX century)

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This paper deals with cross-disciplinary historical and geographical research. The Ural-Caspian Region existing from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century is its main focus. The Assessment of new lands inclusion in the Russian civilization is carried out. The authors analyze the Ural-Caspian Region through assessment of dynamics of its cultural landscapes. The social processes happening in the region are characterized. The authors suggest considering the Ural-Caspian Region as a frontier, existing from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Ethno cultural space structure mosaicity, original culture of the Cossacks and the zone with special social conditions were characteristics of the Russian and Nogai cultures assimilation at the early stage of the development. The Orenburg Region with its «creeping-away» regional identity is the only outlier of the Ural-Caspian Region. In its population historical memory it is possible to find five spatial images of the Orenburg Region: «base to Central Asia», «citadel of "civilization"», «testing ground for reforms», «operation object with huge resources» and «the deaf province».

About the authors

Sergey Valentinovich Lyubichankovskiy

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: svlubich@yandex.ru

doctor of historical sciences, head of Russian History Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg

Alexey Valentinovich Lyubichankovskiy

Orenburg State University; Steppe Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: av-lubichan@yandex.ru

candidate of geographical sciences, researcher, associate professor of Geography and Region Studies Department

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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Copyright (c) 2017 Lyubichankovskiy S.V., Lyubichankovskiy A.V.

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