The principles of a personality-oriented educational process organization at a university

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The paper identifies the place of the problem of personality-oriented education in modern scientific discourse and substantiates the importance of personality-oriented education as a pedagogical tool for educational process organization at a university that provides an optimal combination of interests of an individual, society and the state in terms of development of a student’s personality as a person and a professional. The multidimensional nature of the problem of a personality-oriented educational process in higher education is shown, an important aspect of which (problem) is the definition of principles of a personality-oriented educational process organization at a university. The meaning of the term «principle» is specified in the context of pedagogical knowledge. The principles of its implementation adequate to the content of personality-oriented education are revealed and it is substantiated that the principles of implementation of personality-oriented education at a general educational institution and a university are not identical and have specific features. The principles of personality-oriented education and the principles of personality-oriented education developed by scientists are given. The possibility of implementing the principle of the transition of values «for oneself» into values «for another» and the principle of the moral and ethical orientation of the educational process at a university is substantiated. The content of these principles is supplemented and their essence is revealed as the principles of organizing a personality-oriented educational process in higher education. The essence of the principle of the transition of values «for oneself» into the value «for another» lies in the teacher’s orientation both to the actualization in their own value sphere of consciousness of values based on the corresponding concepts of morality, their implementation in the educational process, and to the development of the concepts of morality among students, which, directing his thought to another person, including the teacher, to his acceptance, to the recognition of his dignity, etc., and being endowed with meaning, take on the meaning of values moving in the space of relations between the teacher and a student. The essence of the principle of the moral and ethical orientation of the educational process lies in the orientation of the teacher to the development of the concepts of morality, through the prism of which he perceives and interprets pedagogical situations that arise in interaction with students who direct the teacher’s thinking to search for values that unite him and students when achieving goals and are the criteria for the implementation of the teacher's reflection of pedagogical situations that arise in the educational process of the university.

About the authors

Anzhelika Nikolaevna Tsepkova

Samara State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer of Department of Faculty of Secondary Vocational and Pre-Vocational Education

Russian Federation, Samara


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