Territorial Public Self-Government: Regional Experience

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Theoretical concepts that make it possible to describe certain models of local self-government focus on the community as the main subject of local processes. Russian legislation provides for the legal fixation of the community in the form of territorial public self-government. The article is a review and comparative analysis of the practice of local self-government carried out by the population in the form of territorial public self-government. An assessment of social performance allows us to make the assumption that territorial restrictions on the implementation of self-government entail a decrease in the initiative activity of residents. Restrictions are a consequence of the refusal by municipal authorities to perceive territorial public self-government as an equal participant in local self-government.

About the authors

Evgeny V. Bulakh

Far Eastern Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: bulakh.ev@dvfu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9618-7804
SPIN-code: 7351-7969

Cand. Sci. (Polit.); Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Russian Federation, Vladivostok


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