Particularities of the inclusive tourism development in the world: analysis of the world experience in creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities

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Currently, there is a change and reorientation of the approach to the development of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation, in particular due to the transition of the country's economy to new standards of quality of life for people with disabilities. The authors determined that the concept of inclusive tourism is not yet generally accepted and contains a large number of aspects characterizing the process of providing tourist services for people with disabilities.A retrospective analysis of the inclusive tourism development in foreign countries is presented, since in European countries, where the percentage of people with disabilities in relation to the total number is much higher than in Russia, the problem of accessibility of facilities for people with disabilities is practically absent. In addition, many foreign countries provide significant measures of state support for citizens with disabilities.Studying the experience of foreign countries allowed the authors to form recommendations that can be used for the development of inclusive tourism in Russia. The article may be of interest both to researchers who deal with the problems of tourism development, and to representatives of the authorities responsible for the development of affordable tourism in the regions of Russia.

About the authors

Olga Anatolevna Almukhamedova

South Federal University

доцент кафедры технологий управления в индустрии туризма, кандидат экономических наук

Anna Vladimirovna Khanina

South Federal University

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры технологий управления в индустрии туризма

Marianna Vladimirovna Yakimenko

South Federal University

Заведующий кафедрой технологий управления в индустрии туризма, кандидат экономических наук, доцент


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Copyright (c) 2023 Almukhamedova O.A., Khanina A.V., Yakimenko M.V.

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