Key steps in a comprehensive assessment of the competitive environment

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The article is devoted to the study of indicators that can be used to assess the competitive environment in order to determine its structure, efficiency and development prospects. The classification of indicators for assessing the competitive environment was based on four concepts of competition: structural, behavioral, coordination and functional ones. Within the framework of the structural concept, competition acts as a criterion that determines the nature of interaction between market entities. In the behavioral concept, competition is considered as a process of competition between market participants for achieving the best results. Coordination conceptconsiders competition as an element of the market mechanism, which allows to coordinate the behavior of consumers and producers. The functional concept defines competition as an incentive for innovation. Based on these four approaches to the interpretation of competition, four areas of evaluation of the competitive environment and, accordingly, four groups of evaluation indicators were proposed: indicators of the market structure, indicators of the effectiveness of the firm activity, indicators of the level of consumer and manufacturer satisfaction and indicators of the level of innovative development. The assessment of the market structure includes the concentration coefficient, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, the analysis of entry barriers, etc. The assessment of the effectiveness of the firm activity is based on the Lerner index of market power, profitability indicators, etc. The assessment of the level of consumer and manufacturer satisfaction includes a survey of consumers regarding satisfaction with the existing choice of goods, a survey of manufacturers regarding the aggressiveness of competition in the market. The assessment of the level of innovative development includes the determination of the effectiveness of scientific and technical activities and the effectiveness of innovative activities. For each group of indicators, the application features and disadvantages are given. It is concluded that it is advisable to take into account various groups of indicators for the completeness of the competitive environment analysis. The analysis should include 10 stages of a comprehensive assessment of competition in the market.

About the authors

Elena Petrovna Garmashova

Sevastopol State University

доцент кафедры экономики предприятия, кандидат экономических наук, доцент


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