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卷 13, 编号 2 (2023)



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Digitalization of economic relations as a factor of countries' sustainable development

Abramov V., Abramov I., Putilov A., Trushinya I.


The problems of countries' digitalization and sustainable development on the eve of "deglobalization" are considered. A new approach to assessing the development of regional socio-economic systems using an invariant coordinate system of energy flows is proposed. It provides a better identification of countries and regions as stable socio-economic structures. Based on the concepts of full and useful power in open non-equilibrium stable socio-economic systems, definitions for a formalized description of the sustainable development monitoring are proposed. The reserach purpose was to present a new model of analysis of regional socio-economic development using energy units of economic relations' measurement and substantiate the relationship between countries' digitalization and sustainable development. An analysis of the development indicators for fourteen European countries is given. A correlation between the main development trends, the technological level and the digitalization is established. In conditions of uncertainty and rapid changes in the global economic environment, the data obtained can provide the necessary information for developing a strategy for sustainable economic development and digital transformation of Russian regions. The article may be of interest to researchers whose area of interest includes regions' digitalization and sustainable development. The results of the study can be useful for practical managers who develop and implement strategies for regions' innovative development.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):615-636
pages 615-636 views

External constraints on digital industrial transformation and industrial policy

Dorzhieva V.


The article examines the impact of sanctions and restrictions imposed by different countries against Russia on the processes of industry digital transformation. On the example of the software, solutions and technology, the level of industry import dependence is analyzed. It is shown that in the conditions of external constraints, the role of industrial policy aimed at stabilizing the industry digital transformation and supporting domestic developments and solutions is increasing. Scientific publications, regulatory documents in the field of industry digital transformation, official statistics and expert-analytical materials were used as the methodological basis of the research.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):637-648
pages 637-648 views

Innovative development institutions as an element of economic security mechanism in digital economy development

Remeslennikov A., Vladimirova O.


Ensuring economic security in the context of the development of the digital economy is associated with the need to level emerging new types of threats and risks, as well as the formation of an appropriate institutional infrastructure. The article summarizes the characteristics of the federal institutions of innovative development of the Russian Federation. The results of the study showed a specific institutional diversity with a fairly wide list of instruments of state support measures. At the same time, it is determined that not all types of institutions are effective. The authors have given a number of recommendations defining the most important ways of improvement.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):649-668
pages 649-668 views

Formation of a new model of the domestic economy in the context of technological sovereignty: principles and mechanisms

Baydarov D., Polosin A., Faykov D.


The formation of a new model of the economy capable of ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country in the long term requires theoretical justification and early real implementation. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate management principles and mechanisms, including existing ones, that can be used in the new model of the Russian economy. The research is based on systemic and institutional approaches, the author's definition of technological sovereignty is used. A number of organizational and economic principles and mechanisms have been identified and substantiated, the use of which, from the author's point of view, contributes to ensuring technological sovereignty: maintaining a balance of interests of the state and society, including in the structure of goods produced by the economy, in the distribution of spheres of activity between the private and public sectors; institutionalization of actions in the event of unfavorable conditions for the economy; planning of activities aimed at ensuring technological sovereignty on the example of a state civil order in the military-industrial complex; redistribution of the financial burden in the production of public and mixed goods, in particular, using the institute of state corporations; development of industrial policy instruments that ensure movement towards technological sovereignty, including regulation in the field of critical, promising and end-to-end technologies, formation of a technology transfer system, etc. A number of the mechanisms under consideration are being tested in state corporations
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):669-688
pages 669-688 views

Technological sovereignty: variant approaches

Afanasyev A.


The article is aimed at revealing the options of approaches to the consideration of the problem of technological sovereignty. Initially, the context of technological sovereignty is considered. The formation of a new model of the Russian economy in modern conditions is discussed. It is a limited open economy of a sovereign type. Then, the author explores the economic-theoretical, system-safety and institutional aspects of technological sovereignty. The corresponding characteristics of the category under consideration are given. The area of deployment of technological sovereignty, represented by the technosphere, is described. The production aspect of the problem under study is characterized. Its industrial and political perspective aimed at revealing the mechanism of achieving technological sovereignty is identified. Further, the author's approach to developing criteria for assessing the achievement of technological sovereignty is given. The essential characteristics of technological sovereignty in various aspects of the problem under study are compared. In conclusion, the author's assumption of the main research vectors of technological sovereignty is given.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):689-706
pages 689-706 views

How artificial intelligence helps transform the digital economy

Yakovleva E., Vinogradov A., Aleksandrova L., Filimonov A.


The article discusses approaches to the application of artificial intelligence methods to solve the problems of digital transformation in the segment of supporting and ensuring traditional business processes of industrial companies in terms of creating completely new business models and ideas for smart government. The article reveals new ways of using artificial intelligence in the digital economy. The article includes an analysis of artificial intelligence technology in terms of its integration capabilities in data processing for public administration, the required digital maturity and the impact of technology on the company's performance, contribution to increasing its value and added value in the digitalization process. The article will be of interest to participants in the digitalization process, companies' employees responsible for its implementation, architects and designers of information systems.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):707-726
pages 707-726 views

Global trends in the development and regulation of artificial intelligence

Asadullina A., Belousov V.


The article considers the existing definitions of artificial intelligence.For all the variety of the concept there is always a reference to the software and hardware nature of technical solutions and an indication of the main purpose of their application: the automation and copying of intelligent human behavior. The country-specific features of the AI development in the USA, China and the EU are determined. The leading positions of countries in certain subdomains of AI are particularized.They are as follows: publication and investment activity, the patents availability, unicorn companies, etc. Differences in approaches to regulating the AI family of technology in these countries have been identified. It has been established that diversity and asymmetry in the norm-setting activity developing in this area are already fragmenting global digital markets, hindering the international exchange of best practices in technical achievements and threatening the success of the business model of digital platforms and ecosystems.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):727-748
pages 727-748 views

Artificial intelligence in the mirror of innovative change in the mobilization economy

Shchepakin M., Khandamova E., Ksenzova G.


The digitalization of the economy is considered as the most important component in the intellectualization of innovative technical-technological changes in the mobilization economy. It is argued that the artificial intelligence shows a dichotomous nature in its implementation in various "points" of society and business. The terminological apparatus in the field of artificial intelligence as a tool for managing economic growth in the mobilization economy is expanded. The model of artificial intelligence activation in the mirror of the management of innovative changes in the mobilization economy is proposed. This model makes it possible to ensure the implementation of various transformations in the components of value chains to strengthen the competitiveness of subjects and the acquisition of economic sovereignty of the country.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):749-770
pages 749-770 views

Managing the digital transformation of organizations with artificial intelligence

Shabaltina L., Maslennikov V.


The increasing complexity of the social and economic structures of human society leads to the need to develop more effective and progressive management methods. The increasing digitalization of the global world has also affected the sphere of management principles. The concept of digitalization includes the transfer to computer algorithms of partially or completely functions previously acting on human decisions. However, some new approaches and concepts of doing business can be revolutionary and involve a complete change in the approaches of our society to management. This determines the relevance of this study.An overview of modern research and development in the field of artificial intelligence is presented. Information on the artificial intelligence development trends, allowing to support the implementation and management of artificial intelligence systems, is provided. The authors focus on the real potential benefits of digital transformation, as well as consider the associated benefits and some concerns. Examples of leaders in the industry are given. The authors discuss the topic of planning activities for the application of digital transformation.The analyzed trends of activity in the field of digital transformation, as well as the prospects of artificial intelligence in the fields of management and project planning, may be interesting and useful for theorists and practitioners solving the problem of practical application of digital tools for designing a modern management system. The study is supported by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of this process, as well as examples of Russian companies that successfully implement artificial intelligence technology.

Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):771-784
pages 771-784 views

Challenges of the artificial intelligence economy to the traditional labor market

Lukichyov P., Chekmarev O.


This article is devoted to the impact of artificial intelligence technology on the modern labor market. The authors focus on the economic consequences of the artificial intelligence application for enterprises, individual employees, and national economies. In the article, progress in the applying innovations in the national economy is associated with the growth of labor productivity and business profitability. The authors substantiate the necessity of Russiaʼs transition from the inertial path of development to the innovative one based on artificial intelligence and robotics. Catalysts for this transition are being identified. In the article, the impact of innovations and, above all, artificial intelligence technology on a modern worker is divided into innovations that replace a person and innovations that improve human capabilities. The formation of three fundamentally different groups of personnel is singled out in terms of the consequences of the impact of artificial intelligence technology. The authors analyze the results of the artificial intelligence application in the labor market according to the criteria of age, level of education, and the nature of the tasks they perform. The article identifies barriers, both economic and technological ones, for the optimal application of artificial intelligence in the labor market.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):785-802
pages 785-802 views

Introduction of a virtual currency system: cryptocurrency and digital currency analysis and differentiation

Gorodnova N.


The spread of the coronavirus pandemic accelerated the processes of digital transformation in all spheres, including the financial sector. The interest of economic entities in electronic means of payment and cryptocurrencies has significantly increased. The issue and circulation of a large number of private digital money requires state regulation and the development of specialized legislation in the field of virtual or digital currency. The study of the enforcement of virtual currencies and the differentiation of the concepts of cryptocurrency and digital currency is an urgent and timely topic.The scientific novelty of the research consists in the systematization of the economic, legal and theoretical basis for the issuance and turnover of cryptocurrencies and digital currencies in Russia and abroad. In particular, features of cryptocurrencies and digital currencies, advantages and disadvantages of accrual of interest on the digital ruble were identified. This allows for further development of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the sphere under consideration.In order to effectively implement the concept of the digital ruble in the Russian Federation, further improvement of specialized digital law, as well as the elimination of legal conflicts in issuance and circulation of private money will be required.The results of the study may be useful to the expert community and specialists of the financial sector who carry out research and practical activity in regulation of the cryptocurrency market, as well as to state authorities implementing projects of digital transformation in Russia.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):803-820
pages 803-820 views

Benefits of financial controls based on the digital ruble

Unizhaev N.


The possibility of reducing the conflict of interests through the application of digital rubles is analyzed. The problem of embezzlement of budget funds, as well as assets of legal entities and individuals, is now more relevant than ever. Taking into account the requirement to preserve digital sovereignty in national monetary circulation and ensuring economic stability, the need for financial control has increased significantly. The relevance of this research has increased after the decision on the introduction of the digital ruble. A single methodological apparatus determining the direction of financial control based on the digital ruble does not exist.The initial stage of the digital ruble introduction requires scientific research in order to prevent fatal errors at subsequent stages. The general indicators for cash, non-cash and digital transactions were used. The digital ruble is considered as a new means of payment, a measure of value and a means of saving. A "closed class" model has been formed. This model prevents transfers from digital to cash and non-cash rubles. Significant advantages of financial control based on the digital ruble in the interests of the state are highlighted. The application of the digital ruble allows to monitor the expenditure of budget funds using end-to-end digital technology. End-to-end digital technology will produce a synergetic effect and a leap-like development of the entire economy of the Russian Federation.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):821-836
pages 821-836 views

Introduction of digital technologies by banks to overcome financial imbalances in modern conditions

Oseev V., Klemenov D.


This article examines the existing financial imbalances, describes the current trends of the global banking market in the context of interest rate increases by the US Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank. Possible ways of overcoming the newly emerged imbalances with the help of digital technologies and integration with e-commerce enterprises are considered. A historical example of the imbalance and the successful overcoming of it by the Spanish banking system using digital technologies is presented. The prospects for the development and implementation of modern technologies to eliminate financial imbalances in the future are described.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):837-848
pages 837-848 views

Strategies for cross-border banking interaction in the transformation of foreign economic relations

Ivanov V., Devochkin S.


The article is devoted to the study of banking and corporate structures' strategies in international economic cooperation amidst transformation of foreign economic relations. The authors analyzed the existing models of cross-border interaction of financial institutions. The authors identified the most promising areas in the national aspect. The authors particularized the integration features and synergistic effects of foreign economic development and corporate interaction of banking structures. Key trends of international financial cooperation are reflected.The article proposes an economic model for choosing a strategy for cross-border cooperation of banking structures. The model implies the following strategies: transformation of traditional channels of international cooperation, which provides for the reorientation of financial flows and foreign trade settlements; cooperation and integration of national banking structures in the foreign economic sphere; an ecosystem approach to the formation of corporate strategies for the development of international business, based on achievements in digitalization; an integration model for the participation of corporate and banking institutions, aimed at developing their own international infrastructure.The authors explored the potential of digital financial assets (DFA) in cross-border settlements and proposed a mechanism for organizing the issuance and circulation of DFA by corporate structures that can become an alternative instruments of payment and a means of attracting investments.The necessity of developing a unique flexible system of economic indicators, which allows evaluating its effectiveness and capable of ensuring the adaptation and transformation of strategic models in the face of changing factors of the internal and external environment, is substantiated.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):849-870
pages 849-870 views

Trends and prospects of fintech development amidst macroeconomic instability

Nagornyy D., Ozarnov R.


The article is devoted to the study of trends and prospects for the fintech development amidst macroeconomic instability. The relevance of the topic is due to the ongoing process of the financial sector digitalization of the world economy. The article examines the relationship between investments in fintech and the level of fintech development in different regions. The most promising areas of financial innovation amidst global financial instability are highlighted. The research is based on general scientific methods of cognition, such as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and graphical interpretation of statistical information and time series. The analysis of fintech in Russia with the identification of weaknesses and strengths was carried out; a classification of digital technology development directions based on the architecture of the traditional financial sector is proposed. Conclusions based on the results of the analysis are drawn.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):871-880
pages 871-880 views

Regional innovation ecosystem: assessment of the effectiveness of functioning in the conditions of digitalization

Yanchenko E.


The regional innovation ecosystem is formed as a result of the development of network interactions, cooperation, cooperation and the use of innovations and open knowledge in the context of digital transformation of business processes and society as a whole. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: the theoretical foundations of the study of regional innovation ecosystems were clarified, modern methods were given and an integral approach to assessing the effectiveness of their functioning was developed, taking into account the digitalization factor. Calculations of the integral index and the clustering coefficient are carried out. Empirical analysis of the data made it possible to rank the regions by the value of the integral index of the effectiveness of the regional innovation ecosystem. With the help of correlation analysis, the relationships of the integral index and the cluster coefficient by type of activity are revealed. In conclusion, the limitations in the implementation of the proposed evaluation method are determined
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):881-900
pages 881-900 views

Major aspects in managing innovative territorial development in the current national context

Grachev S., Donichev O., Bykova M.


The article deals with the problems of interrelation of individual parameters of innovative development at the national level. The relevance of this research area is associated with the need to activate innovative development at all levels of management due to the increasing resource and institutional constraints at the present stage of development.The authors' model with the resulting indicator of the volume of innovative goods, works and services produced in the Russian Federation and two independent variables - the amount of costs for innovation activities and the number of researchers with academic degrees - was formed. A subsequent analysis of this model was carried out.The formed model makes it possible to solve individual tasks of planning the innovative development of the national economy, as well as adaptation for the regional level in the future.A statistically significant model of the national level was obtained. The existence of a relationship between individual parameters of innovative development was proved; national peculiarities of the formation of these processes were revealed.This study can be used in the future by researchers and representatives of public authorities for planning and analyzing innovative national processes.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):901-914
pages 901-914 views

Resource-deficient region and opportunities for implementing investment policy in new conditions

Sorokina E.


The article reveals the problems of investment opportunities of the regions of the Russian Federation in the new foreign economic conditions. The difference of approaches to investment decisions in regions with different levels of socio-economic development and growth potential is shown. In particular, the similarity of the positions of the regions in terms of socio-economic development and the difference in the possession of individual potentials (for example, labor resources) is proved. The detailed indicators of resource-deficient regions reflected the process of increasing reserves in this direction and the strategic horizon for planning investment projects. The results of the study may be of practical interest to authorities and management at various levels in terms of identification, monitoring, differentiation and adjustment of economic policy in the field of increasing the investment attractiveness of resource-deficient regions, including the development of strategic planning documents for regional development.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):915-926
pages 915-926 views

Rating as a method of assessing innovative and scientific and technological development of Russian regions

Glezman L., Isaev S., Fedoseeva S.


In modern conditions of new technological challenges that have caused high rates of technological development and increased interregional competition, the assessment of innovative and scientific and technological development of the country's regions is an important scientific and practical task, which determines the relevance of the study. The article is devoted to the study of rating methods used to assess the innovative and scientific and technological development of the subjects of the Russian Federation, in order to compare and conduct a comparative analysis of the positions of the regions to identify their strengths and weaknesses in innovative and scientific and technological development. The study provides a brief overview of the most well-known Russian ratings of innovative and scientific and technological development based on statistical reporting and expert assessments. The analysis of scientific publications devoted to the compilation and comparison of ratings as tools for assessing socio-economic and scientific and technological development of regions is carried out. The main directions of methods for compiling ratings of scientific and technological development of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the systems of indicators used in them are considered. The analysis of comparability of the results of rating studies of scientific and technological development of the regions of the Volga Federal District is carried out. The conclusion is formulated that the use of the results of a particular rating is advisable based on the directions and objectives of each specific study. In general, rating as a method of assessing the innovative and scientific and technological development of Russian regions makes it possible to assess the position of a particular region in the innovative development of the country, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the regions in order to eliminate imbalances and increase investment attractiveness, contributing to the balanced territorial development of the country and strengthening its technological sovereignty.The article was published in accordance with the Research Plan of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):927-940
pages 927-940 views

Directions for building the oil and gas region's innovation ecosystem

Volkova I., Galynchik T.


Oil and gas companies of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra remain the driving force behind the development of advanced technology and products. However, innovative processes and their management require detailed study. The research purpose was to determine the directions of building the innovation ecosystem of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.The greatest danger to the economy of the region is the factors of external influence associated with the instability of the macroeconomic and foreign policy situation. The article analyzes the external and internal environment of the main sectors of the region's economy. During the analysis, special attention is paid to the main branches of the economy of the autonomous okrug.The authors identified the key issues that need to be resolved in the process of building the innovation ecosystem. The directions of development and effective application of resource and innovation potential are particularized.The results of the study will be of interest to representatives of the federal and regional levels of government, whose activities are related to innovation processes in the region.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):941-954
pages 941-954 views

Assessing the effectiveness of the innovation system of the Far Eastern Federal District regions

Egorov N., Kovrov G., Pavlova S.


The article is devoted to the evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation activity in the region. The authors analyzed researches on methods of assessing the regional innovation development and methods of ranking, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of innovation activity in the region. The authors' methodology for assessing the effectiveness of innovation activity in the region is proposed. It allows calculating the efficiency coefficient through input and output parameters characterizing the indicators of resource potential and the effectiveness of innovation activity in the region. The efficiency coefficient of innovation activity of the Far Eastern Federal District regions is calculated. The comparison of the rankings of innovation and scientific and technological development carried out by various organizations for 2018-2021 is given. It also shows the level of efficiency of innovation activity in the Far Eastern region. According to the results of the analysis, there is a positive close relationship between the input and output indicators. This makes it possible to apply the proposed methodology also for modeling predictive assessments of the effectiveness of innovation activity in the region. FUNDING.The article was prepared within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the project No. FSRG-2023-0025 "Modern methods of mathematical modeling and their applications".
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):955-968
pages 955-968 views

Interdisciplinarity in university education as a factor of the regional innovative development

Arutyunova D., Alesinskaya T.


The state strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia provides for the idea of universities as an important component of the regional innovation system. This determines the task of developing the entrepreneurial activity of universities in general and the development of their knowledge commercialization function in particular. The problem of formation of the concept of university participation in the strategy of innovative regional development and description of its factors and mechanisms is actualized.Approaches and models of university participation in the regional innovative development are analyzed. The main indicators of the universities' influence on the regions' innovation potential are identified. The mechanisms of this influence are determined. The concept of training personnel with knowledge and experience in the field of technology transfer is justified. The methods and technologies that contribute to a faster and more effective entry of students into professional activity, the main parameters of the internal and external environment that form the conditions for the successful implementation of the concept, the list of competencies being formed are presented.The study may be of interest to the management of universities and regional authorities from the point of view of the formation and implementation of effective strategies for their interaction.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):969-986
pages 969-986 views

Development of the vocational training system based on the products of the digital economy

Volov V., Zbarskiy A., Garanin M., Gorbatov S.


The article contains the results of a study devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of using end-to-end digital technology in the vocational training system and assessing the potential for improving the quality of education based on modern and promising digital solutions.The results of the analysis of existing end-to-end digital technology used in education are presented. The possibilities of using predictive analytics in the vocational training system are shown. The development trends of the vocational training system based on digital solutions in order to improve the quality of education are described.The possibilities of using the full range of digital technology in the vocational training system are systematized. This made it possible to obtain matrices for the use of end-to-end digital technology in the main processes of the university, as well as in the implementation of educational programs.The results of the study may be of interest to the management teams of educational organizations engaged in mass training of students, in terms of the development of digital platforms, for engineering and technical employees and organizations engaged in the development of digital solutions in the field of education, in terms of developing new products and improving existing ones.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):987-1004
pages 987-1004 views

Fuzzy competence model in modern startups

Bandurin A.


In the article it is proposed to use fuzzy competence models that allow qualitative assessments of requirements to be transformed into quantitative criteria of knowledge sufficiency. The signs of identifying a business as a startup are specified. The possibilities of applying a competence-based approach for the development of the company's staff are considered. The key problems that arise in a startup at the initial stage of business development when setting goals and objectives for the staff professional development are identified. The principles of the policy of creating a minimum viable team are described. For the distribution of roles between startup participants, a RUPOR model has been created. The possibilities of reducing resource needs with various options for consolidating roles in the RUPOR model when creating a startup staff policy are identified. The concept of a fuzzy competence model has been formed. Approaches to the assessment of competencies using a fuzzy model are proposed. The algorithm of fuzzification of competencies is describe. This is a sequence of actions to translate qualitative qualification requirements into quantitative assessments of knowledge and skills. A fuzzy linguistic variable "English Proficiency Level" is constructed. The article will be useful to specialists who create teams for the implementation of startups, as well as to personnel departments in those companies that use soft criteria for evaluating the abilities of potential employees.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):1005-1018
pages 1005-1018 views

Creative industries start-ups: shaping the start-up industry. Russian and Chinese experience

Shaymieva E., Kokurina A., Gumerova G.


Startups of creative industries act as a unit of an integral mechanism. This is is the startup industry in the digital economy. This statement is possible due to the consideration of the Chinese experience in the formation of creative industries. As a result of the analysis of creative industries as objects of research in the Russian economic space of research projects of leading Russian research schools of the Higher School of Economics, NAFI, Agency for Strategic Initiatives since 2021, the authors have identified a lack of attention to startups as a structure that allows generating and scaling ideas of creative industries. The authors clarified the concept of a "startup of creative industries" as a temporary structure that includes the characteristics of a startup in the areas of "ideas, objects of intellectual activity", compliance with the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity of Creative Industries, project management of a startup. The concept of a "startup industry" has been formed. It includes its own and attracted startups, relying on funds from state funds, corporations, foreign funds and corporations, large technology companies as sources of financing.The institutional mechanisms of the startup industry are as follows: technoparks, startup incubators, startup community, technological transfer between leading domestic and foreign universities. The results of the study can be used by specialists to form the startup industry in the Russian economic space, including the startup industry of creative industries.FUNDING: The article was carried out with the scholarship support of Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Timiryasov.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):1019-1034
pages 1019-1034 views

The international competitiveness of the digital economy in Russia and Сhina

Chang H., Karachun I., Zhai Y.


The article is aimed at studying the digital economy of China and Russia in the context of international competition. The analysis of the international competitiveness of the digital economy is carried out at three levels: individual, market and country. The digital economy of the main international competitors is compared in terms of the impact of digital products on the international market, digital infrastructure, and social application of digital technology, which contain a total of 15 indicators. The advantages and problem areas of the digital economy development in China and Russia are summarized; and their prospects in the digital economy are indicated.

Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):1035-1052
pages 1035-1052 views

The Digital Silk Road as a tool for enhancing China's sectoral competitiveness

Kapustin N., Kapustin A.


This article provides a detailed analysis of the PRC's Digital Silk Road initiative in the context of its potential impact on the global economy. At the present stage, technology has become an important factor in the foreign economic competitiveness of states. The changing landscape of the global economy increases the importance of conceptual approaches to promoting innovation in global markets. The authors conduct an industry analysis of a number of key areas of implementation of the mentioned program, including wireless communication infrastructure based on 5G technology, electronic commerce and digital currency of the People's Bank of China (digital yuan). In addition, the approaches of the PRC to the development of specialized international standards are considered. Accordingly, within the framework of this research, a scientific task to determine China's approaches to using innovations to promote foreign economic competitiveness is being solved. The study will be of interest to international researchers, economists, as well as specialists in digital economy and international trade.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):1053-1070
pages 1053-1070 views

Innovation as a factor for the further development of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf

Prokopyev P.


The author analyzes the current stage of integration of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. The main categories of factors hindering the deepening of economic integration in the region are identified. Economic, institutional and political factors are considered.An alternative model of deepening economic integration in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf is proposed. Economic integration in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf does not set the ultimate goal of forming an economic and monetary union. The model is based on horizontal integration. The goal of the proposed model is to coordinate economic policy measures at the supranational level in individual industries. It is proposed to pay special attention to the innovative development and implementation of innovative technology in key industries and areas of economic activity of the region. Increasing the level of innovation in the Arab Gulf energy sector, including increasing the role of renewable energy, industry and the transport and logistics industry, could contribute not only to deepening economic integration within the framework of the association, but also to creating conditions for more sustainable long-term development of the region.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):1071-1086
pages 1071-1086 views

Current trends in digitalization in the global energy sector

Maksimtsev I., Kostin K., Onufrieva O.


The article identifies the main trends in the development of global energy and the features of relevant digitalization effects. Theoretical and methodological approaches to optimal development of the Russian energy market are presented. A comparative analysis of indicators that determine the degree of influence of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the countries of Central Asia has been conducted. The main directions, positive aspects and risks of Russia’s cooperation with friendly countries in the energy sector are analyzed. Based on the example of existing enterprises, the economic effect of the introduction of digital solutions was analyzed.Within the framework of pilot projects, operating and investment costs were optimized. Due to the implementation of appropriate measures, sales of traditional businesses increased.The original framework for the assessment of the global impact factors on technological development in the field of digital technology and intelligent energy is proposed.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):1087-1104
pages 1087-1104 views

The latest trends in global MA market

Chizhova M.


Key trends in the global MA market in 2020-2022 have been analyzed. The forecast for this market for 2023, taking into account the current events in the political and economic arenas, is given. Statistical data for the study has been obtained from open sources of leading consulting companies BCG, Deloitte, Baker Tilly, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Standard Poor's Global and McKinsey, as well as Bloomberg Information and Analysis Agency. Taking into account the new realities, a new set of prototypes of MA strategies for building sustainable business models and gaining market leadership are analyzed. It is concluded that the global MA market has favorable prospects, despite the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, inflationary trends in developed countries and geo-economic problems of a global nature.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(2):1105-1120
pages 1105-1120 views