Challenges of the artificial intelligence economy to the traditional labor market

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This article is devoted to the impact of artificial intelligence technology on the modern labor market. The authors focus on the economic consequences of the artificial intelligence application for enterprises, individual employees, and national economies. In the article, progress in the applying innovations in the national economy is associated with the growth of labor productivity and business profitability. The authors substantiate the necessity of Russiaʼs transition from the inertial path of development to the innovative one based on artificial intelligence and robotics. Catalysts for this transition are being identified. In the article, the impact of innovations and, above all, artificial intelligence technology on a modern worker is divided into innovations that replace a person and innovations that improve human capabilities. The formation of three fundamentally different groups of personnel is singled out in terms of the consequences of the impact of artificial intelligence technology. The authors analyze the results of the artificial intelligence application in the labor market according to the criteria of age, level of education, and the nature of the tasks they perform. The article identifies barriers, both economic and technological ones, for the optimal application of artificial intelligence in the labor market.

About the authors

Pavel Mikhaylovich Lukichyov

Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D.F. Ustinov

профессор кафедры менеджмента организации, доктор экономических наук, профессор

Oleg Petrovich Chekmarev

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University

профессор кафедры организации аграрного производства и менеджмента, доктор экономических наук, доцент


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Copyright (c) 2023 Lukichyov P.M., Chekmarev O.P.

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