
Бубнова, М. Г

栏目 标题 文件
卷 4, 编号 2 (2013) Articles Effects of different doses of rosuvastatin on blood lipids and lipoproteins, endothelial function, and cerebral blood flow in patients with hyperlipidemia and cerebral ischemic stroke-complicated hypertension PDF
卷 4, 编号 1-1 (2013) Articles Kontroliruemye i domashnie fizicheskie trenirovki kak osnovnye slagaemye vtorichnoy profilaktiki u bol'nykh ishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsa posle endovaskulyarnykh vmeshatel'stv na koronarnykh arteriyakh
卷 4, 编号 1-1 (2013) Articles Effektivnost' fiksirovannoy kombinatsii lozartana i gidrokhlorotiazida u bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey pri raznom tipe remodelirovaniya levogo zheludochka v nablyudatel'noy programme PROGNOZ
卷 7, 编号 2 (2016) Articles Antihypertensive and pleiotropic activity of the calcium antagonist amlodipine in patients with arterial hypertension and obesity PDF
卷 7, 编号 3-4 (2016) Articles Cardiorehabilitation organization in Russia. The results of the pilot project "Development of the system of rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases in medical institutions of the Russian Federation" PDF
卷 7, 编号 2 (2016) Articles Clinical efficacy of combined use of physical training and a fixed combination of an angiotensin receptor blocker II - valsartanumand the calcium antagonist - amlodipine on ambulatory (III) stage of rehabilitation in smoking patients with comorbid diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) PDF
卷 6, 编号 1-1 (2015) Articles Effektivnost' reabilitatsionnogo konsul'tirovaniya bol'nykh, perenesshikh ostryy koronarnyy sindrom
卷 7, 编号 2 (2016) Articles The phenomenon of long-term commitment (16 years) patients with physical rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction PDF
卷 6, 编号 1-1 (2015) Articles Klinicheskie effekty fiksirovannoy kombinatsii blokatora retseptorov k angiotenzinu II valsartana s antagonistom kal'tsiya amlodipinom u kuryashchikh bol'nykh s ishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsa i arterial'noy gipertoniey
卷 8, 编号 2 (2017) Articles The influence of smoking on the clinical effects of a one-year program of physical rehabilitation of patients of working age who underwent acute myocardial infarction PDF
卷 8, 编号 2 (2017) Articles Ivabradinum supplements the clinical efficacy of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with coronary heart disease with stable angina PDF
卷 8, 编号 1 (2017) Articles Gipotenzivnaya i pleyotropnaya aktivnost' antagonista kal'tsiya amlodipina u bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey i ozhireniem
卷 8, 编号 1 (2017) Articles Klinicheskie effekty programmy fizicheskoy reabilitatsii posle radiochastotnoy kateternoy ablatsii u bol'nykh s paroksizmal'noy formoy fibrillyatsii predserdiy
卷 8, 编号 1 (2017) Articles Terapevticheskie effekty metabolicheskoy terapii s trimetazidinom modifitsirovannogo vysvobozhdeniya u patsientov so stabil'noy stenokardiey i khronicheskoy serdechnoy nedostatochnost'yu (rossiyskoe issledovanie «PERSPEKTIVA»)
卷 8, 编号 2 (2017) Articles Treatment of atherogenic dyslipidemia: modern principles and new possibilities PDF
卷 6, 编号 1-1 (2015) Articles Vliyanie dlitel'nykh kontroliruemykh fizicheskikh trenirovok u bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey, perenesshikh ostryy infarkt miokarda, na klinicheskoe techenie i iskhody na ambulatorno-poliklinicheskom etape
卷 6, 编号 1-1 (2015) Articles Otdalennye rezul'taty vliyaniya raznykh programm reabilitatsii na fizicheskuyu rabotosposobnost' i razvitie serdechno-sosudistykh oslozhneniy u bol'nykh, perenesshikh endovaskulyarnoe vmeshatel'stvo na koronarnykh arteriyakh
卷 6, 编号 1-1 (2015) Articles Osobennosti psikhologicheskogo statusa i kachestva zhizni bol'nykh s fibrillyatsiey predserdiy posle radiochastotnoy izolyatsii ust'ev legochnykh ven
卷 8, 编号 1 (2017) Articles Rezul'taty vliyaniya raznykh programm reabilitatsii u bol'nykh, perenesshikh endovaskulyarnoe vmeshatel'stvo na koronarnykh arteriyakh v otdalennom periode
卷 8, 编号 1 (2017) Articles Vozrastnye osobennosti parametra autoflyuorestsentsii kozhi v norme i u patsientov s ishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsa