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Том 8, № 3 (2018)


Disability in Elderly People due to Hypertensive Disease in the Russian Federation

Puzin S., Shurgaya M., Odebaeva R.


The article presents the results of an analysis of the epidemiology of primary disability among adults in the Russian Federation for 12 years (2005–2016). During this period, 6.6 million elderly people (56.8% of the total number of people with disabilities) were reported as having primary disability status. Circulatory system diseases are the main cause of disability in the primary disablement structure of elderly people (68.5%), and hypertensive disease retains the leading position as the most important disability factor in the Russian Federation. The negative tendencies of primary disability due to this socially significant pathology are associated with the demographic situation of population aging. In the contingent of people with disabilities due to hypertension, the proportion of elderly disabled is 43.4%, while the proportion of disabled people of middle and young age is lower and amounts to 29.1 and 27.4%, respectively. Medical institutions should be prepared to work with a growing contingent of the elderly population and to enhance the availability and quality of medical care for patients and people with disabilities due to hypertensive disease, one of the most common and prognostically unfavorable pathologies that impose a limitation on vital activity.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):171-176
pages 171-176 views

Multimorbidity of Elderly Individuals in Urban and Rural Areas of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

Starodubov V., Edeleva A., Sabgayda T.


This paper compares the prevalence of pathological changes in different organs and systems among urban and rural residents of the following ages: elderly (60–74 years for men and 55–74 years for women), senile (75–84 years), and advanced (85 years and older). The results of a continuous survey of all individuals of retirement age of one urban (7809 individuals) and two rural areas (14749 individuals) of the Nizhny Novgorod region were analyzed. The region is comparatively homogeneous in terms of the national composition of the population. In the city, the number of chronic pathologies of different organs and systems per individual of elderly age is 2.83 per man and 2.76 per woman for elderly ages, 3.06 and 3.07 for senile ages, and 2.71 and 2.75 for advanced ages, respectively. In rural areas, the analyzed indicators for men and women are respectively 1.64 and 1.58 for elderly, 1.84 and 1.78 for senile, and 1.86 and 1.84 for advanced-age individuals. Demonstrating the difference in the phenotypic manifestations of the genes of predisposition to chronic diseases in old age between the city and rural areas, the results make it possible to assume the following. First, better access to medical care does not guarantee better health status of the elderly, while it contributes to an increase in the life expectancy of men. Second, despite better access to health care, the urban lifestyle contributes to an accumulation of chronic diseases in the population of a region. Third, in case of chronic pathology of three different classes of diseases, the probability of a long life is fundamentally determined by access to health care. Fourth, the probability of longevity is significantly reduced as a result of having neoplasms, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, or genitourinary diseases at working age or the early retirement period.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):177-182
pages 177-182 views

Age-Associated Pathology and the Place of Geriatrics as a Medical Specialty (Reflections of a Clinician)

Myakotnykh V.


Controversial issues of pathological processes associated with the elderly and senile age, along with several aspects of the organization of geriatric services that require discussion, are examined by a clinician based on his long-term experience in geriatrics. This paper is presented for public debate in this journal.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):183-189
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Epigenetic Hypothesis of the Role of Peptides in Aging

Mustafin R., Khusnutdinova E.


In addition to transcription factors, epigenetic factors, which control the release of genetic information in each cell division, play an important role in the regulation of gene expression in the ontogenesis of multicellular eukaryotes. Many binding sites for transcription factors were derived from transposon sequences. Mobile elements are also important sources of noncoding RNA. Thus, transposons have an indirect effect on gene expression and genome methylation. In evolution transposons serve as important sources for the origin of new protein and proteins domains. A number of studies have determined that long noncoding RNAs and microRNAs can be translated into functional peptides. At the same time, transposons are expressed in embryogenesis and remain active in the stem cells of adult humans, which is consistent with the transcription of noncoding RNAs. The study of these processes may be the key to the determination of aging mechanisms due to the role of mobile elements as sources of noncoding RNAs translated into functional peptides.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):200-209
pages 200-209 views

Age-Dependent Hormones Levels of the Pituitary–Gonadal and Pituitary–Thyroid Systems in Postmenopausal Women of the European North of the Russian Federation

Kipriyanova K., Tipisova E., Gorenko I., Elfimova A., Popkova V.


The hormone levels of the pituitary–thyroid and pituitary–gonadal systems were studied in postmenopausal women of the European North of the Russian Federation in the second period of mature age and the elderly and senile ages by radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay. The lowest concentrations of total and free fractions of triiodothyronine and total thyroxin, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), and estradiol were determined in the blood of the studied senile-aged women. Excess levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone were found in 12.1% of females in the second period of mature age and 17.4% of elderly-aged females. The examined women showed signs of androgenization manifested by elevated levels of luteinizing hormone, testosterone, and DHEA-S. The levels of luteinizing hormone exceeded the norm in 50% of females of the second period of mature age, 18.2% of the elderly and 26.1% of the persons of old age. The concentrations of testosterone and DHEA-S exceeded the norms established for the postmenopausal period in 15.4 and 91.7% of females in the second period of mature age and in 11.4 and 84.2% of the elderly age. The greatest number of correlations for the studied hormones levels was noted in old age.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):210-215
pages 210-215 views

Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Human Skin during Aging

Gunin A., Golubtsova N.


Published data suggest that thyroid hormones play a role in the regulation of dermal fibroblasts during aging. This goal of this work was to study the levels of thyroid hormone receptors in human dermal fibroblasts, from embryonic development to extreme old age. Skin specimens from human fetuses that died antenatally from 20 to 40 weeks of pregnancy and humans who died from different causes from birth to age 85 years were used for the study. The total number of fibroblasts, the percentage of dermal fibroblasts positive for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and the expression of thyroid hormone receptors α and β in dermal fibroblasts were examined. PCNA and thyroid hormone receptors were viewed immunohistochemically. The total fibroblast number in the dermis was counted in sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The results showed that the maximal levels of thyroid hormone receptors α and β were observed from the 20th to 40th weeks of pregnancy. The levels of thyroid hormone receptors α and β were decreased from birth to age 40 years. From 41 to 85 years, the levels of thyroid hormone receptors were approximately the same. The total number and percentage of PCNA-positive fibroblasts in the dermis were decreased with progression of age. The most significant age-dependent reduction in the total and PCNA-positive number of dermal fibroblasts was observed from the antenatal period to the age of 40. Correlation analysis and one-way ANOVA showed that age-dependent decrease in the number of fibroblasts and the retardation of their proliferation in the human dermis is significantly associated with an age-related decrease in the level of thyroid hormone receptors α and β in dermal fibroblasts. The results suggest that thyroid hormone receptors are involved in an age-dependent decrease in the number and proliferation of fibroblasts in human dermis.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):216-223
pages 216-223 views

Influence of Bone Marrow Autotransplantation on the Neurotransmitter Structures of appendix vermiformis in Old Rats

Vorobeva O., Lubovceva L.


The influence of bone marrow autotransplantation on neurotransmitter structures of appendix vermiformis was studied. The investigation revealed that an increase in the number of neurotransmitter structures (mast and granular luminescent cells) with a high content of catecholamines and serotonin was noted in old rats 40 min after bone marrow autotransplantation. Cellular differentiations with a high neuroamine content were found in the reproductive center of appendix vermiformis lymphoid-nodes. Two hours after bone marrow autotransplantation, their number decreased and the content of catecholamines and serotonin decreased as well. The immunohistochemical reaction showed an increase in cellular proliferative activity, both in proper t. mucosa plate crypts and appendix vermiformis lymphoid nodules, up to 40 min of the experiment. After 2 h, Ki-67 positive cells decreased both in t. mucosa and t. s/mucosa of appendix vermiformis.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):224-227
pages 224-227 views

Effect of Metformin on Metabolic Parameters and Hypothalamic Signaling Systems in Rats with Obesity Induced by a High-Carbohydrate and High-Fat Diet

Derkach K., Sukhov I., Bondareva V., Shpakov A.


Metformin (MF), a first-line drug in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, has been used in recent years to treat obesity. Its therapeutic effect is due not only to the influence on the peripheral tissues but also on the hypothalamus, which controls food behavior and energy metabolism. The goal was to study the effect of MF therapy (200 mg/kg/day, 8 weeks) in rats with obesity caused by a high-carbohydrate and high-fat diet on metabolic and hormonal parameters and the functional state of the hypothalamic signaling systems. MF treatment of obese rats (the group ObM) normalized food behavior; reduced the body weight and fat weight and the glucose, insulin, and leptin levels; increased sensitivity to glucose and insulin; improved the lipid metabolism; and restored Ser473 phosphorylation of Akt kinase in the liver. In the hypothalamus, the stimulating effects of agonists of type-4 melanocortin receptor and type-1 dopamine receptor on adenylyl cyclase (AC) were partially restored, the inhibitory effect on AC of agonists of subtype-1B serotonin receptor (5-HT1BR) increased (which was associated with an increase in Htr1b gene expression), and the stimulating effect of the 5-HT6R agonist EMD-386088 normalized. At the same time, the differences in the activity of the leptin and insulin systems and the ratio of anorexigenic and orexigenic factors in the hypothalamus of the rat groups Ob and ObM were insignificant. Thus, MF treatment changes the functional activity of the hypothalamic melanocortin, dopamine, and serotonin systems in obese rats, which is one way to decrease their food intake and to restore the metabolic parameters and insulin sensitivity.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):228-234
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Molecular Aspects of the Geroprotective Effect of Peptide KE in Human Skin Fibroblasts

Fridman N., Linkova N., Polyakova V., Drobintseva A., Trofimova S., Kvetnoy I., Khavinson V.


Skin aging is an current problem of modern geriatric cosmetology. One promising method to decelerate the process of age-related skin changes is the use of cosmetics with short peptides. The goal of the work was to study the effect of peptide KE (Lys-Glu, Vilon) on the expression of aging markers of human fibroblasts in an in vitro model. The expression of collagen type 1 and sirtuin 6 was studied with immunofluorescent confocal microscopy in “young” and “old” cultures of skin fibroblasts. It has been found that the area of expression of collagen type 1 and sirtuin 6 decreases by 3.5 and 3.6 times, respectively, in skin fibroblast cultures with aging. Peptide KE increases the expression area of collagen type 1 in old skin fibroblast cultures by 83%; the expression area of sirtuin 6 in young and old cultures of skin fibroblasts increased by 1.6 and 2.6 times, respectively. Thus, peptide KE increases the functional activity of skin fibroblasts and decelerates their senescence.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):235-238
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Age-Related Peculiarities of Cytogenetic Disorders in Synovial Cells of Knee Joints in Northern Siberian Residents with Arthritis of Various Etiologies due to Polymorphism of the Glutathione S-Transferase Gene GSTM1

Ilyinskikh N., Ilyinskikh E., Udartsev E.


The frequency of cells with cytogenetic disorders in the synovial fluid cells of the knee joints was studied in patients of different age groups with chronic arthritis associated with Lyme borreliosis (CAALB) or posttraumatic arthritis (PTA) with respect to polymorphism in the glutathione S-transferase gene GSTM1. One hundred thirty five residents of the north of Tomsk and Tyumen oblasts were included in the study; 68 of them suffered from CAALB, while PTA was detected in the remaining 67 patients comprising the control group. Our results indicate the presence of significant age-related differences in the frequency of cytogenetic disorders in the synovial fluid cells of the knee joints between the groups of young and elderly CAALB patients. An integrative estimation of clinical and cytogenetic indices in the group of elderly CAALB patients (carriers of the mutant GSTM1 (0/0) allele) as compared with other groups allows the conclusion that there are significant positive correlations between the severity of violation of the locomotor function of the joints and the number of the synovial fluid cells with chromosome 7 trisomy.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):239-242
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The Study of Disease Duration as a Risk Factor for the Development of Hospitalism in Elderly Psychiatric Patients

Beltceva I., Zalutskaya N., Karavaeva T., Neznanov N.


The phenomenon of hospitalism in elderly patients with mental disorders is an extremely important clinical, social, and economic problem. A total of 155 geronto-psychiatric patients were examined; 75 of them showed signs of hospitalism and 80 were the control group. A subgroup of patients with signs of hospitalism and short disease duration was selected. The duration of their inpatient treatment was 133.5 ± 42.24 days (72.11 ± 37.11 days in the respective control subgroup, p < 0.05). This subgroup was characterized by greater impulsivity as a personality trait and less adaptive coping strategies as compared to patients without hospitalism. In the subgroup of patients with signs of hospitalism and longer disease duration, the hospitalism-associated factors proved to be higher anxiety and depression in the current psychoemotional state, lower manifestation of adaptive cognitive coping, and lower disease sensitivity (all differences are significant at p < 0.05) against a longer stay in hospital as compared to patients with an analogous disease duration without hospitalism (249.67 ± 3.56 and 79.58 ± 39.52 days, respectively, p < 0.05).

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):243-249
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Psychophysiological Monitoring of the State of the Organism in Elderly Female Teachers

Dolgova V., Mamylina N.


The purpose of the study is to psychophysiologically monitor elderly female teachers during the dynamics of the school year. The study was conducted with the participation of 30 female teachers aged 60–61 at the beginning of the year (the background level) and after 5 and 9 months of teaching at the school. Five-minute ECG recording sections were studied with the Poly-Spectrum-Rhythm program (Neurosoft LLC). The parameters of external respiration function were studied with a Spirosoft-5000 device. The psychoemotional state of the teachers during the school year was studied with SAM methodology (state of health, activity, and mood). By the end of the school year, sympathetic influences from the autonomic nervous system on the organism of elderly female teachers increased, which was associated with a certain disorder in the rhythmic activity of the heart against the background of destabilization of the sinus rhythm and the vegetative balance of the body, and their psychoemotional state began to deteriorate. Consequently, it is advisable to monitor the activity of the cardiovascular system in female teachers during the school year for the possible prevention of various diseases and abnormalities in health status.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):250-255
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Resources of Individual Psychological Security with Respect to the Employment Status of a Pensioner

Krasnyanskaya T., Tylets V.


Two hundred pensioners aged 55 to 65 differing in employment status (working or retired) after retirement age and the character of that status (voluntary or involuntary) were surveyed. The content and the structure of the resources of the pensioners’ personalities, the external determinants of the choice of their employment status, and the connection between the external determinants of the employment status and the resources of the psychological security of the pensioners’ personality were analyzed. These psychological resources consist of resources of development and protection, which proves that the individual’s security resources are of high priority for pensioners. The significance of resource development for working pensioners and protection resources for actual pensioners is established. The level of psychological safety of a pensioner’s personality is determined by a combination of character and the voluntariness of the choice of employment status. The choice of employment status depends on a complex assessment of macro-, meso-, and microaspects of life. Self-evaluation of the development resources is prioritized to save the pensioner’s work activity.

Advances in Gerontology. 2018;8(3):256-261
pages 256-261 views

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