The study of fuel accumulation in the oil of a gasoline engine with direct fuel injection

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BACKGROUND: The worldwide powertrain engineering tendency is reduction of mass and dimension properties of an engine with simultaneous increase of its specific power and power-to-weight ratio. It can be achieved with compression ratio increase, engine cycle improvement, implementation of supercharging system and direct fuel injection. With the direct injection systems implementation, the issue of fuel accumulation in oil became relevant.

AIMS: The article addresses general issues related to fuel accumulation in the motor oil.

METHODS: Analysis of the published data addressing this issue.

RESULTS: The reasons of fuel entry into oil were formulated, the possible acceptable limits of fuel concentration in oil were defined, and the data of vehicle fleet observation performed by specialists during several years was given.

CONCLUSIONS: There is rather considerable range of opinions and recommendations regarding acceptable fuel concentration in oil. Therefore, it may be concluded that the value of fuel concentration in itself makes little difference, and, in order to define the maximal acceptable level of fuel concentration in oil, it is reasonable to carry out studies of determination acceptable limits of particular motor oil properties, primarily viscosity.

About the authors

Vladimir M. Krasnov

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “NAMI”

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4855-9105
SPIN-code: 3726-5821

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Head of the Research Department of Fuels and Lubricants and Special Fliuds of the Power Units Center Powerunits

Russian Federation, 2 Avtomotornaya street, 125438 Moscow

Alexey S. Terenchenko

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “NAMI”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1371-3179
SPIN-code: 8166-4320

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Head of the Power Units Center

Russian Federation, 2 Avtomotornaya street, 125438 Moscow

Dmitriy S. Timofeev

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “NAMI”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9946-4440
SPIN-code: 3083-1135

Head of the Sector of Units, Parts and Systems of Diesel Engines of the Power Units Center

Russian Federation, 2 Avtomotornaya street, 125438 Moscow

Ivan S. Shibaev

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “NAMI”

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7741-9860

Head of the Internal Combustion Engines Department of the Power Units Center

Russian Federation, 2 Avtomotornaya street, 125438 Moscow

Nikita D. Stepin

State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “NAMI”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2826-7677

Chief Planning Specialist of the Project Management Center

Russian Federation, 2 Avtomotornaya street, 125438 Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Dependence of the SAE 0W-40 oil kinematic viscosity at the temperatures of 40°C and 100°C on mass content of fuel in oil.

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3. Fig. 2. Dependence of oil-flash temperature on mass content of fuel according to the data from sources [4] and [5].

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4. Fig. 3. Carbon deposits at the heat belt zone.

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5. Fig. 4. Statistical data of mass content of fuel in oil from 30 automobiles during testing service.

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6. Fig. 5. Change of mass content of fuel in motor oil from one of the automobiles during period between maintenance.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Krasnov V.M., Terenchenko A.S., Timofeev D.S., Shibaev I.S., Stepin N.D.

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