Analysis of the design of the automotive generator of reciprocating type

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This article considers an automobile generator of reciprocating motion type with a free piston, which is an integral unit converting mechanical energy of the reciprocating motion of engine pistons into electrical energy for use as an on-board power supply of hybrid vehicles. The authors examine advantages of this method of converting of thermal energy into electrical energy and design issues. The papers formulates the requirements to the linear electric generator with a free piston. It also includes a brief review of linear generator developments.

About the authors

V. I Dukhanina

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

+7-495-223-05-23 ext. 1312

A. A Ketsaris

Moscow Plant of Special Vehicles

Ph.D.; +7(499) 168-87-29


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Copyright (c) 2012 Dukhanina V.I., Ketsaris A.A.

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