The content and structure of method of teaching law in higher educational institutions

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The focus of the article is the method of "translation" of the general direction of movement of the teacher and student to the target, at a specific algorithm operations and actions . Consistently the authors reveal the contents of the three structural elements of the methodology of teaching laws: research, applied and self-education. Logical and psychological bases of the methods are considered. Noteworthy opinion accompanied by a multimedia lectures as a special methodological approach to the "inclusion" of students in the active mode of development of educational material.

About the authors

N. V Mikhalkin

Russian Academy of Law, Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D., Prof.; +7 917 547-49-63, +7 495 396-78-24

E. A Kafyrin

Russian Academy of Law, Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D.; +7 917 547-49-63, +7 495 396-78-24


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Copyright (c) 2013 Mikhalkin N.V., Kafyrin E.A.

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