The effectiveness of the replacement of the bus fleet to vehicles that use the CPG

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The article discusses the development efficiency of the gas engine from scratch or based on the prototype. As a prototype, you can use petrol or diesel motors, motion. One of the selection criteria is the cost of conversion. In diesel prototype conversion value is much higher than with the gasoline engine due to the need to change a larger number of components. Use as motor fuel compressed natural gas will significantly strengthen the competitiveness of the domestic automotive industry.

About the authors

V. N Konoplev

Moscow State Industrial University

Dr.Sc. Prof.

A. P Latyshev


A. E Lysenko

LLC “Gas industry”

K. S Miroshnikov

LLC “Gas industry”

V. D. Sekerin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr.Sc. Prof.; 8-(499)267-19-92


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Copyright (c) 2015 Konoplev V.N., Latyshev A.P., Lysenko A.E., Miroshnikov K.S., Sekerin V.D.

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