Ignition of poor fuel-air mixtures in gasoline-driven ICEs - problems, solutions

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The article deals with the development of technologies in the field of improving the organization of the combustion process in internal combustion engines in order to solve the problem of protecting the environment and increasing the efficiency of fuel resources. The carried out analysis has shown the increased interest of researchers and automotive experts in the problem of ignition of poor mixtures in ICE by the method of fuel-air charge separation in the combustion chamber. The directions of intensification of combustion of poor mixtures in internal combustion engines are considered due to application of various methods of fuel-air charge separation in the combustion chamber of internal combustion engines. Combustion of poor mixtures ensures low emissions of harmful substances with exhaust gases of the internal combustion engine and improved fuel economy. The advantage of an internal combustion engine using poor fuel-air mixtures is its operation with little or no charge throttling at the inlet. At the same time, fuel consumption and, correspondingly, CO2 emissions are reduced to 25%. Low concentrations of harmful emissions also reduce the efficiency requirements of the neutralizer. The process of combustion of poor mixtures is carried out due to the technologies of direct electronic fuel injection into the combustion chamber under high pressure and catalytic neutralization of combustion products of poor mixtures. Effective combustion of fuel-air mixtures is achieved with an excess air factor of less than 1.7. The article also contains the results of tests of the prechamber-flare internal combustion engine, which showed the possibility of using qualitative engine power regulation due to work on poor mixtures and a significant reduction in emissions of harmful substances with exhaust gases. It is shown that the use of an electronic ignition system with an increased discharge energy and a system of homogeneous mixture formation leads to an intensification of combustion of poor mixtures in the internal combustion engine, and allows the engine to operate at superhigh mixtures with an air excess factor of 3.5 with stable combustion of fuel-air mixtures.

About the authors

E. A Egorushkin

Moscow Technological University

PhD in Engineering

A. V Shabanov

NAMI’s Testing Centre

Email: saaha-1955@mail.ru
PhD in Engineering

A. A Shabanov

Moscow Polytechnic University


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