Perspectives of using humidification subsystems for air conditioning in transport

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With long-term human activity, many factors begin to make a significant influence on fatigue and reduced concentration. The question is even more urgent when it comes to drivers and operators of road construction and agricultural machinery. Work on these modes of transport involves increased danger and additional responsibility for life and health of people. Along with such parameters as ergonomics and optimization of the work and rest regime, the optimal values of the microclimate parameters in the driver's area or the operator of transport equipment play an important role. The microclimate parameters include: pressure, oxygen concentration in air, temperature and humidity. And if there is no need to regulate the oxygen content and pressure in land transport, in contrast to aircraft, and the temperature is regulated by the air conditioning systems of the car, the humidity parameters are not given proper attention. In the conditions of road transport and construction equipment, in areas of low humidity or increased dust generation, a low level of moisture content in conditioned air begins to play a key role in the increased fatigue and the development of drivers chronic diseases. This can be fraught with both a decline in efficiency and economic losses, and the creation of additional dangerous situations for life and health of people. The article discusses and compares the main methods of moisture saturation of dry air, and assesses the acceptability of their implementation in road transport, and conducts typical estimated calculations of changes in system parameters from load conditions. The peculiarities of the application of air humidification in air conditioning systems for ground and air transport are given, a generalized assessment of the methods of moistening, their advantages and disadvantages is made, the most optimal methods of humidifying air are revealed from the point of view of transport technology. For the calculations, the software complex MathCAD was used.

About the authors

V. I Merkulov

Moscow Polytechnic University

DSc in Engineering

A. A Popov

Moscow Polytechnic University



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