The toxicity study of diesel engines working on biofuels based on methyl alcohol

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The paper substantiates the need for the use of biofuels based on methyl alcohol in diesel engines. At the same time, such environmentally friendly energy sources as methanol and methyl ether of rapeseed oil were investigated. The physical and chemical properties of these biofuels are presented. In order to develop, determine and optimize the composition of environmentally friendly biofuels for diesel engines, their tests were carried out when working on methanol with methyl ether of rapeseed oil and methanol-fuel emulsion. It was experimentally established that the use of environmentally friendly biofuels in diesel engines is possible in the form of alcohol-fuel emulsions (methyl alcohol - 25%, detergent-dispersing additive succinimide C-5A - 0.5%, water - 7%, diesel fuel - 67.5%) and in the form of a separate supply of methyl alcohol (88%) and methyl ether of rapeseed oil (12%). When using methanol as a biofuel for diesel engines, it is possible to significantly reduce the emissions of soot particles and nitrogen oxides due to the fact that during the combustion of alcohol in the combustion chamber of diesel, less intermediate products (in relation to diesel fuel) are formed, contributing to the birth of acetylene and aromatic hydrocarbons, which lead to the formation of soot. Methyl alcohol, with its simpler structure and small molecule sizes, is one of the determining factors for more “pure combustion” of fuel. Experimental studies of diesel engines on environmentally friendly biofuels of the above compositions were carried out and a promising solution to improve their environmental performance was justified. When the diesel engine is working on a methanol-fuel emulsion, the content of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases is reduced by 41.3%, carbon black by 85.5%, carbon dioxide by 6.7%, carbon monoxide by 45.0%; when working on methanol and methyl ether of rapeseed oil, nitrogen oxides by 47.4%, carbon black by 90.4%, carbon oxide by 44.8%.

About the authors

V. A Lihanov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy


O. P Lopatin

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy



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Copyright (c) 2018 Lihanov V.A., Lopatin O.P.

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