The choice of the concept of automobile with combined energy transmission of expanded functionality

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The article is devoted to the issues of improving the transmission schemes and the transmission of electric power of combined energy transmissions (CET) of automobiles. Ideology of CET consists in the rational choice of the mode of operation of ICE - the efficient use of the energy it generates, but the presence of the CET on the vehicle can also be used to expand its functionality. The authors develop and justify the idea of expanding the scope of vehicles with combined energy transmission (CET), ensuring their universality and expanding the possible applications and areas of use, due to the specifics of the road and climate conditions in Russia. The authors see the possibility of accomplishing the goal in the application of a combined power transmissions of advanced functional capabilities on vehicles. In the drive of the driving wheels of vehicle equipped with such an installation, there are two reversible electric machines, each of which is individually kinematically connected to one of the wheels of the driving axle. The concept of the vehicle with the CET of extended functionality, on the scheme of which a patent for the invention was issued, the authors suggested in previous publications. The material of this article contains options for the development of design schemes for the execution of combined energy transmissions of enhanced functionality, which can be equipped with cars with different drive variants of the driving wheels. Authors offer schemes of assemblies, composition of units and systems when using vehicles equipped with them, under various road conditions. The algorithms for the operation of CET of extended functionality in various road and climate conditions are described. The variants of constructive execution of the main units and aggregates, which are part of the CET of the expanded functional capabilities, are proposed. In the final part of the article, the positive impact of the recommended options for the performance of the expanded CET on the performance characteristics of vehicles equipped with such facilities is noted.

About the authors

E. E Baulina

Moscow Polytechnic University


A. V Krutashov

Moscow Polytechnic University


V. V Serebryakov

Moscow Polytechnic University



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Copyright (c) 2017 Baulina E.E., Krutashov A.V., Serebryakov V.V.

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