Mobile additional armor protection for a truck

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BACKGROUND: The use of armored vehicles helps to protect special vehicles and special equipment from the effects of light and heavy small arms, landmines, and hand grenade launchers during marches or special operations under the threat of constant enemy influence. However, at present, the issue of protecting freight transport used for transporting personnel, mortar crews, materiel, etc. is quite acute.

AIM: Development a mobile set of additional armor protection for the truck body (using the Ural 4320, the KamAZ-4310 and their modifications as the example) in order to reduce the likelihood of injury to personnel during their transportation by firearms, cumulative ammunition, fragments of artillery ammunition, as well as military equipment during its transportation.

METHODS: Determining the parameters for the duration of the penetration process and the subsequent behavior of the armor protection, obtaining accurate data on the resistance and effectiveness of additional armor, and analyzing the stress-strain state were performed in the Ansys software. The data on the penetration process, transition energy and subsequent behavior of armor protection, which will be used to improve armored structures and frameworks, as well as to improve the safety of equipment in real combat conditions, was obtained.

RESULTS: The article discusses the problem of armor protection of vehicles. Examples of the use of additional armor protection for weapons, military and special equipment, in particular in the context of a special military operation, are given. The mobile set of additional armor protection for the truck body, designed to protect personnel from injury caused by firearms and fragments from exploding ammunition when transported by trucks, is presented in the study. Armor protection is made as two hinged armor plates with the size of 1200x2000 mm and two anti-cumulative grilles with the size of 1200x2000 mm, mounted on the outside with fastening elements. Hinged armor screens are straight or bent sheets of armor steel with structurally specified dimensions and places for fastening. Installed on the outside of the body, they act as a barrier, which significantly increases the protective properties when fired from a firearm. The proposed protection set was simulated and the stress-strain state was analyzed in the article.

CONCLUSIONS: Based on the simulations, the values of the maximum velocity and flight range of a bullet were determined for the strength of the additional set of armor protection.

About the authors

Roman V. Streltsov

Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 7460-2039

Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Design of Armored Vehicles Department of the Technical Supply Faculty

Russian Federation, 1 Gremyachiy Log street, Perm 614030

Alexander N. Mikitenko

Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops

SPIN-code: 7131-7146

Deputy Director of the Design of Armored Vehicles Department of the Technical Supply Faculty

Russian Federation, 1 Gremyachiy Log street, Perm 614030

Alla A. Sukhodoeva

Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-9454-6289
SPIN-code: 4090-0090

Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the General Engineering Sciences Department

Russian Federation, 1 Gremyachiy Log street, Perm 614030

Ivan A. Samarin

Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops


Student of the Technical Supply Faculty

Russian Federation, 1 Gremyachiy Log street, Perm 614030


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The fragment-riddled armored KamAZ-5350.

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3. Fig. 2. The Armed Forces of Ukraine’s truck hit by a Russian helicopter.

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4. Fig. 3. The body armor mounting at the door of the Ural truck.

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5. Fig. 4. Armor protection of the KamAZ truck: a — the KamAZ 63501 with additional armor protection of frontal area of the cabin; b — an example of welded frame and plating with steel sheets.

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6. Fig. 5. The BTR-3 captured from the AFU with anticumulative grill, hiding crew-housing area.

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7. Fig. 6. The model of the mobile set of additional protection: a — main view; b — in detail assembled at the body.

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8. Fig. 7. Simulation of the developed mobile set of additional armor protection in the Ansys software.

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9. Fig. 8. Von Mises stress of armor (a) and the cumulative grill (b), Pa.

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10. Fig. 9. Resulting displacement of cumulative grill, mm.

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