The low power diesel-generator unit with electronically controlled fuel injection

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BACKGROUND: Diesel engines, used in generator units, primarily operate in variable loading conditions. Therefore, their technical and economic performance generally deteriorate when the load decreases. It arises from the diesel engine fuel system feature, where pressure and quantity of the fuel, injected into a cylinder, reduces with the load decreasing. As a result, the injection becomes “sluggish”, the quality of mixing process and combustion becomes worse.

AIMS: Improvement of effective indicators of the diesel-generator units with electronically controlled fuel injection.

METHODS: Adjustment of operation modes of the diesel engine of the electrical power unit carried out with use of electronically controlled Denso solenoid, connected to the high-pressure fuel pump via an adapter.

RESULTS: Results of the motor testing of the low power diesel-generator unit with electronically controlled fuel feed system are described in the article. The oscillograph charts of valve displacement and solenoid magnet winding current, presented in the article, confirm its operation efficiency. Sharp decrease in boost current at the stage of valve lift can be explained by onset of back EMF. Stable solenoid operation at diesel operation velocity of 3000–3100 min-1 is achieved by means of boost impulse supply to its winding. The boost impulse is supplied from a voltage upconverter and generated by discharge of preliminary charged booster capacitor.

CONCLUSIONS: Separated fuel feed adjustment in each high-pressure pump section made possible to reduce intersectional fuel feed irregularity to zero. Significant fuel consumption reduction was revealed with the motor testing of the low power diesel-generator unit with electronically controlled fuel feed system (the reduction reaches 10% on low loading operation modes). As mentioned by authors, transition to electronic control of operation modes of diesel engines of autonomous electrical power units does not require major engine design change – only to dismantle a mechanical controller and to set an adapter with electronically controlled bypass valve at a section of the high-pressure fuel pump. Electronic control unit supplies current to the valve. For autonomous electrical power units, transition to this control method can be done in typical repair workshop conditions, and an update of one unit (e.g. the KIPOR KDE19AE3) costs 13 950 rubles. By doing so, one electrical power unit may save up to 1191 liters of fuel and more than 63.96 thousands rubles at a cost of 53.7 rubles per liter.

About the authors

Rustam R. Galiullin

Bashkir State Agrarian University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1031-5068
SPIN-code: 5661-1922

Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Head of Department

Russian Federation, Ufa

Viktor I. Potapov

Bashkir State Agrarian University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3438-0887
SPIN-code: 2631-4187

Senior Lecturer

Russian Federation, Ufa


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  3. Patent RUS № 2468230/ 13.04.2011. Byul. № 33. Galiullin RR, Safin AV, Potapov VI. Sposob regulirovaniya chastoty vrashcheniya dizel’-elektricheskogo silovogo agregata. Available from: (In Russ).
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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The functional scheme (a) and the main view (b) of the experimental unit, based on the KIPOR diesel-generator-unit: 1 – a three-way valve; 2 – a diesel engine; 3 – fuel injection equipment; 4, 5 – sensors of the HPFP camshaft angular displacement and the diesel engine crankshaft rotation velocity; 6 – a microprocessor control unit; 7 – the L-Card crate system; 8 – the 12V-45V voltage converter; 9 – the CE 301 R33 145-JAZ electric energy meter; 10 – a computer; 11 – a loading control board; 12 – a loading test rig; 13 – the AR.05L electric energy quality measuring instrument; 14 – current and voltage sensors; 15 – a generator; 16 – an electronic scale; 17 – a diesel fuel tank; 18 – an exhaust temperature sensor; 19 – an electronically controlled dual-gate solenoid.

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3. Fig. 2. The oscillograph charts of valve displacement and solenoid magnet winding current: 1 – valve displacement; 2 – current.

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4. Fig. 3. Load curves of the system with the distributor injection pump and the electronically controlled valve, depending on control impulse duration and pump camshaft rotation velocity.

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5. Fig. 4. The information model of the diesel-generator unit: and are controlling and controlled values, is loading.

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6. Fig. 5. The relative graph of completed (solid lines) and skipped (dashed lines) fuel feed per stroke.

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7. Fig. 6. The results of fuel feed change calculation, obtained with Mathlab.

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8. Fig. 7. Effective indicators of the diesel engine of the autonomous electrical power unit, depending on loading (a) and fuel feed correction coefficient (b).

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9. Fig. 8. Load curves of the KIPOR KDE19AE3 electrical power unit diesel engine in operation with default (hollow circles) and experimental (triangles) control systems; dark circles are specific fuel consumption, calculated according to multifactorial design.

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10. Fig. 9. Drop and rise of the load on the diesel-generator unit in operation with default fuel feed skip (blue solid line), electronic simple fuel feed skip (blue dashed line) and fuel feed skip and correction (green solid line).

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