
On the Issue of the Need to Improve the Teaching of Combat Techniques of Wrestling in the Classroom for Physical Training in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Kalmykov Z.
On the Issue of Scientific Support of the Discipline "Physical Training" in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Knyazev K.
Physical Training as the Main Element of Training of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of Russia
Beshtoev R.
Formation of Tactical and Psychological Readiness Among Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies for the Use of Struggle Combat Methods
Meshev I.
Modern Trends in the Development of Motor Abilities in Physical Training Classes in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Dadov A.
Physical Training of Employees of the Internal Affairs as an Integral Part of Professional Readiness for Action in an Emergency
Gubzhokov A.
Methodology of Forming Special Motor Skills and Abilities in the Process of Physical Training of Police Officers
Bauaev S.
Study of the Level of Physical Fitness of Employees Employed in the Internal Affairs Bodies
Tkhagalegov A.
The Goals of Functional Training in the Process of Training Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Yaroslavskiy M.
Physical Training as a Means of Forming the Psychological Readiness of the Department of Internal Affairs Employees to Combat with the Offender
Tkhazeplov R.
Topical Issues of Training the Staff of the Department of Internal Affairs in Tactical Peculiarities of Forced Detention of Offenders
Afov A.
Training of Employees of the Internal Affairs in the Tactical Basis of the Use of Physical Force Based on the Use of a Situational Approach
Nagoev R.
Formation of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of Readiness for the Legal Use of Firearms in Fire Training Classes
Kardanov A.
Physical Training in the Professional Activity of a Police Officer
Nagoev R.
The Application of Complex Situational Tasks in Teaching Fighting Techniques to Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Dadov A.
Modern Problems of Physical Training of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies and Ways to Solve Them
Tkhazeplov R.
Use of Special Knowledge in Investigating Crimes Committed by Different Categories of Persons
Surtsev A., Shalov E.
The Role of Sambo in Professional and Applied Physical Training of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Knyazev K.
Self-Protection and Fighting Techniques in the Activities of Departmentof Internal Affairs Employees
Dottuev T.
On the Issue of Ways to Improve Legislation on Private Detective and Security Activities
Alekseev S., Uvarov M., Remizov P.
Training of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Skills of Using Combat Techniques of Wrestling in Physical Training Classes
Dottuev T.
The Use of Interactive Forms of Training in Physical Training Classes with Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Krymshokalov A.
The Introduction of Wrestling and Hand-To-Hand Combats in the Educational and Training Process of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies Studying Under Vocational Training Programs
Khazhirokov V.
Physical Culture and Sports as the Main Component of Improving Professionally Important Physical Qualities of Employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia
Afov A.
About the Overdue Processes of Changing the Training of Personnel for Law Enforcement Agencies of Russia Related to the Transfer of Criminal Activity to the Virtual Sphere
Shkhagapsoev Z.
Formation of Motivation of Students in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Discipline «Physical Training»
Kodzokov A.
Topical Issues of Using Innovative Educational Technologies in the Process of Physical Training of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Kanukoev A.
Formation of Hand Fighting Skills in Extreme Situations in Physical Training Lessons in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Cherkesov R., Kushkhov K.
Organizational Aspects of Physical Training in Educational Organizations of the MIA of Russia
Nastuev E.
Fire Training as an Important Component of the Professional Training of Police Officers
Kardanov A.
Physical Training of Department of Internal Affairs Staff as a Factor of Increasing the Efficiency of the Fight Against Crime
Kodzokov A.
Digital Transformation of the Educational Process in the Framework of Physical Training Classes in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Bauaev S.
The Role of Independent Training in the Discipline "Physical Training" in Educational
Meshev I.
Limits of Admissibility of the Participation of Artificial Intelligence in the Decision of the Verdict
Papysheva E.
Training Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies for Preliminary Actions when Protecting Against an Attack by an Offender
Nastuev E.
Special Physical Training in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Khazhirokov V.
Information and Reference Systems as a Means of Implementation of Legal Education of Senior School Children
Adaeva O.
Professional Training of Department of Internal Affairs Employees in Complex Force Actions in Operative and Service Situations
Tkhagalegov A.
Improving Professionally Significant Motor Qualities in the Process of Physical Training of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Beshtoev R.
On some peculiarities of teaching the discipline "Military topography" to students studying under the basic programme of vocational training (professional training) for employees of special forces units of the territorial agencies of the Russian Guard on the position of "Police officer"
Shkhagapsoev Z.
Formation of Tactical Thinking Among Police Officers in the Process of Learning the Skills of Combat Fighting Techniques
Kardanov A.
On Some Problems of Organizing Physical Training Classes in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Kanukoev A.
1 - 42 的 42 信息


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