Advertising and sponsorship activities in the field of physical education, sports and the Olympic movement

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The level of development of advertising and sponsorship activities in Russia is still significantly inferior to Western countries, but every year we see tremendous development in this area. Sponsorship is not mostly considered as an investment and marketing communication yet, but rather as a charity. This approach, according to the authors, is more consistent with philanthropy. In this regard, the article defines the concepts of "sponsorship" and "philanthropy", shows the difference between them. Examples of interaction between sports organizations and sponsors are considered. The role of advertising in this interaction is analyzed. According to the authors, Russia has a good legal framework for regulating the relations of sponsors, patrons, athletes and fans, but the system of ethical control of such relations is poorly developed.

About the authors

V. B Mandrikov

Volgograd state medical University

D.Ed., professor, Head of the Department ofphysical education and health

N. V Zamyatina

Volgograd state medical University

PhD in Sociology, assistant professor of the Department ofphysical education and health

Y. A Zubarev

Volgograd state physical education Academy

D.Ed., professor of the Department of Humanities and Economics

L. A Komleva

Volgograd state physical education Academy

PhD in Philology, assistant professor of the Department of Humanities and Economics

L. G Vakalova

National state University of physical education, sports and health named after P.F. Lesgaft

PhD in Economics, professor of the Department of management and Economics of sports

A. A Vinichenko

Kuban state University of physical education, sports and tourism

PhD in Education, professor of the Department of martial arts, boxing and shooting sports


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Copyright (c) 2020 Mandrikov V.B., Zamyatina N.V., Zubarev Y.A., Komleva L.A., Vakalova L.G., Vinichenko A.A.

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