No 3 (2023)

Медицинские проблемы

Training emergency operators to provide incident witnesses remote counseling regarding on-site first aid response (publications review)

Birkun A.A.


Relevance. Remote incident witness counseling by emergency operator regarding on-site first aid response ensures prompt first aid actions and contributes to decreased mortality among casualties. In Russia, incident witnesses would rarely initiate first aid response. Mainstreaming basic first aid response activities provided by incident witnesses under emergency operator guidance is critically demanded in healthcare today, including the development of common guidelines for emergency

operators regarding incident witness remote counseling. Dedicated emergency operator training is mandatory and shall provide for both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The objective is to analyze comprehensive research evidence with regard to relevant emergency operator training in the field of the assisted first aid response counseling, as well as to identify priority areas in emergency medical operator training to be incorporated in the common national operator-assisted first aid action program.

Methods. In July 2023, publications in English and Russian languages regarding operator-assisted first aide training were selected from LIBRARY.RU, Google Scholar and PubMed bibliography databases. No publication date restrictions were applied to the search. Selected publications were included into bibliography review.

Results and analysis. The available publications regarding training emergency operators to provide remotely-assisted first aid counseling to incident witnesses are limited to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The publications reveal that other life-threatening health disorders are poorly covered by operator training under consideration. The successful experience of operator training regarding incident witness remote guidance in providing first aid in cardiac arrest settings suggests that such emergency operator training programs contribute to increased frequency of emergency first aid provision by incident witnesses and decrease mortality rate among casualties. To achieve the best results, emergency operator training should include theory and practice, including simulation to enhance the skills of remote stepwise assessment of the victim’s condition, remote first aid counseling, abilities to identify and manage various first aid challenges faced by incident witnesses and provide of guidance and psychological support to incident witnesses performing first aid actions. Practical training for emergency operators shall include mandatory role play simulation for both the operator and the incident witness reproducing the scenario of operator-assisted first aid, followed by discussion analysis (debriefing) to assess actions of the participants. Along with the emergency operator training, mainstreaming basic principles of operator-assisted first aid among the population helps to increase the first aid provision rate by the observers and to improve outcomes for the victims.

Conclusion. Development and validation of operator-assisted first aid training in various health conditions requiring first aid actions is an important, though largely overlooked area of research of great practical importance, given the projected significant increase in first aid provision rates by incident witnesses guided by effective operator support. The organization of the common training among emergency medical services operators regarding operator-assisted first aid shall promote the development of a benchmark training program and dedicated learning materials within the framework of the unified national operator-assisted first aid program. In order to increase the readiness of incident witnesses to first aid provision under remote operator guidance, training among the population is recommended within the framework of operator-assisted first aid, which determines the need to include operator-assisted first aid into existing and newly introduced training programs for various groups of potential first aid providers.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):5-19
pages 5-19 views

Inter-hospital transportation of seriously injured patients: practical experience of emergency response teams at the Moscow Territorial Center of Disaster Medicine

Gumenyuk S.A., Potapov V.I., Sheptunov G.V., Vinogradov M.M.


Relevance. In emergency situations inter-hospital transportation of injured patients to tertiary referral hospitals retains its relevance. This largely considers patients in serious or critical condition and in need of advanced diagnostics and sophisticated high-tech care. At the same time, inter-hospital transportation still remains an unresolved challenge. There is no uniform algorithm for preparation and transportation of such critical patients. Moreover, the coverage of possible inter-hospital transportation incidents is insufficient, which impedes further safety improvement efforts.

The objective of the study is to establish inter-hospital transportation procedure of severely affected patients both from neighboring and remote regions, as well as to identify transportation problems and prospects for improvement.

Materials and methods. The analysis relies on digital and analytical data from the Moscow Disaster Medicine database of the Moscow Territorial Scientific and Practical Center of Disaster Medicine (CEMP, Moscow City Healthcare Department) covering 878 cases of inter-hospital transportation, including 410 (46.7%) in serious and extremely serious condition and 58 (6.6%) requiring intubation and artificial respiration. The study relies on historical, statistical, and analytical methods.

Results and analysis. The data analysis showed that the demand for inter-hospital transportation is increasing incrementally year to year. Among all transported victims, 50 % were patients with isolated trauma, 41.5 % with polytrauma, and 8.5 % with thermal burns. In most cases (86.7 %), inter-hospital transportation was carried out by specialized CEMP emergency response teams, including 39.3 % of cases by air medical teams equipped with light-class helicopters. In 13.3 % of cases ambulance crews were engaged.

Conclusion. Inter-hospital transportation is an urgent challenge for further study. Qualification and proficiency of rescue teams, modern portable medical equipment and monitoring throughout transportation is a collateral to avoid or reduce adverse events and risks. Medical transportation is executed by land or by air, depending on urgency and feasibility in specific settings.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):20-28
pages 20-28 views

Early diagnosis and treatment of aseptic bone necrosis amid COVID-19 consequences

Glukhov A.V., Lapukhin A.O., Gusev S.S.


Introduction. Avascular necrosis (M87 according to ICD-10) occurs in young, able-bodied people. Clinical practice has revealed an increase in cases of avascular necrosis in patients who have suffered new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

The objective is to describe clinical symptoms and treatment strategies in patients with aseptic bone necrosis (osteonecrosis), including those with a history of COVID-19.

Methods. In 2016–2023 132 cases of aseptic bone necrosis were treated, including 115 patients (87.1 %) admitted to the department in 2021–2023 having suffered moderate to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. International studies were referred to regarding the development of osteonecrosis, including post COVID-19.

Results and analysis. Clinical treatment analysis of patients with a history of COVID-19 was carried out. Most cases showed bilateral aseptic necrosis of the femoral head and condyles. The analysis included 34 (29.6 %) patients over 50 years of age with an average age of 56 years, and 81 (70.4 %) patients under 50 years of age with an average age of 33 years. Clinical observations in patients with identified aseptic necrosis after COVID-19 are considered.

Conclusion. At present, it is impossible to accurately verify the frequency rate of post COVID-19 aseptic bone necrosis, since in Russia aseptic necrosis is not classified as an independent nosological group. Another difficulty is the fact that at this stage there is not enough information about patients who suffered isolated mild COVID-19 with further development of osteonecrosis. There is not sufficient evidence regarding the incidence of osteonecrosis in population and occupational groups. In most cases, osteonecrosis is a caused by multifactorial effects.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):29-37
pages 29-37 views

Minimally invasive osteosynthesis in displaced closed metaepiphyseal fractures of the distal tibia

Maiorov B.A., Belen’kii I.G., Sergeev G.D., Gadoev K.K.


Relevance. Metaepiphyseal fractures of the distal tibia (pilon fractures) are the result of high-energy trauma. Therefore, many surgeons follow a two-stage treatment protocol for these injuries, including temporary external fixation with subsequent transition to definitive internal fixation. For more accurate reduction, surgeons have to extend the invasion using rather large skin and soft tissue incisions to expose the fracture area, thus causing numerous complications. Therefore, minimally invasive internal osteosynthesis seems a more promising technique.

The objective is to demonstrate a clinical case for advanced minimally invasive osteosynthesis technique in distal metaepiphyseal fracture of the tibia, which allows to avoid fixation of the middle and lower third fibula fractures.

Methods. High probability of complications after conventional open osteosynthesis of pilon fractures in patients with compromised blood supply to the distal parts of the lower limbs requires a different approach to their surgical treatment. Minimally invasive fixation of metaepiphyseal fractures of the distal tibia is a promising technique. Specific features of the tibial fracture pattern sometimes limit surgical options for an adequate access to the fibula. Front lateral and medial plating of the tibia allowed for closed repositioning of bone fragments. Front lateral plating was installed through a mini-transverse distal incision to sustain healthy blood perfusion of the fracture and eliminate the risk of necrotic cutaneous isthmus between the incisions. Post-op follow-up was without complications. Functional AOFAS and Neer scoring after 3 months of follow-up produced the results of 71 and 76 respectively. The range of motion in the ankle joint was 400 (90–1300).

Results and analysis. This study presents a clinical case of 43C1 (AO/ASIF) pilon fracture treated by surgery, using sequential osteosynthesis technique. Minimally invasive surgical intervention is thoroughly described, including the surgical approaches. Close fragment reduction was performed. Fixation of tibial fragments was performed using anterolateral and medial plates. Plate was passed along the anterolateral surface of tibia via distal transverse minimally invasive approach. This allowed us to preserve the blood supply to the fracture zone and minimize the risk of necrosis of the skin flap between the surgical incisions performed. Postoperative period proceeded without any complications. Patient having been examined 3 months after the surgery, the functional outcome was 71 and 76 points ac cording to the AOFAS and Neer scales, respectively. The range of motion in the ankle joint was 40° (90–130°).

Conclusion. The presented surgical management of pilon fractures has proved effective, in particular type A and C1 valgus fractures allowing for minimally invasive intervention. Anterolateral plating sustained by additional medial plating has enhanced fixation stability, thus reducing the scope of the indications for osteosynthesis of the fibula.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):38-49
pages 38-49 views

Medical, geographic, social, economic, and climatic characteristics of the Sakhalin region accountable for revocable casualties in forecasted emergencies

Samoylov A.S., Goncharov S.F., Markov S.V.


Relevance. The Sakhalin region is a northern insular seismic hazard zone at high risk of emergency due to its location and harsh climate. Despite existing emergency response capacities, the data analysis for revocable casualties affected by earlier emergencies suggests the demand for improved treatment, evacuation, and emergency response is still critical in the Sakhalin region.

The objective is to analyze long-term observational data to substantiate predictions regarding revocable casualties in case future emergencies and demand for treatment, evacuation, and emergency response.

Methods. The analysis of academic papers, regulatory documents, statistics, and guidelines allowed to produce a forecast regarding emergency response capacities and efficiency of dedicated command and tactical drills. Logical and information data modeling was applied in the study.

Results and discussion. The paper presents a study of medical, geographic, social, economic, and climatic characteristics of the Sakhalin region with regard to projected number of casualties and various region-specific emergency risks, as well as research data and recommendations for the demanded comprehensive treatment, evacuation, and emergency response actions.

Conclusion. The Sakhalin region is impregnated with a high risk of emergency associated with significant revocable casualty losses and requires improvement of existing emergency response system in the region.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):50-61
pages 50-61 views

Unresolved problems of HIV infection in the Armed Forces of a major foreign economy (case study of the USA)

Ulyukin I.M., Bulan`kov I.I., Orlova E.S., Sechin A.A.


Relevance. HIV infection has been of great interest to military structures since its first reported clinical case, given that this disease is also transmitted sexually (which is especially common among military personnel); this severe and invariably fatal disease can also be transmitted through the blood, which poses a danger to soldiers in terms of organ and tissue donation.

The objective is to analyze HIV-related challenges for the armed forces of a major foreign economy (a case of the United States of America) and assess its functionality and public epidemiological well-being.

Methods. The study relies on research papers available in open national and global databases (Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed), selected in accordance with the study aims and objectives.

Results and discussion. The paper considers major social and psychosomatic problems in HIV-positive US Army service members. The US Department of Defense policy on unrestricted deployability of HIV-positive service members, as well as dynamic medical and psychological support efforts are analyzed.

Conclusion. Unprotected sex is still a major cause of HIV-transmission among the US military exposed to multiple sexual partnerships, homosexuality, alcohol abuse. The HIV-positive military also exposed to psychological distress and HIV-related somatic disorders, as well as other vulnerabilities. The reported data can be utilized by Russian professionals to broaden their experience, as well in comparative studies on national and global developments in military medicine.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):62-71
pages 62-71 views

Биологические проблемы

The impact of occupational hazards and smoking on immunity parameters in firefighters

Bychkova N.V., Kalashnikova A.A., Kalinina N.M.


Introduction. Inhalation of toxic compounds at firefighting operations is associated with the onset of various diseases, including immune-mediated disorders. Exposure to adverse occupational factors is exacerbated by smoking.

The objective of the study is to reveal occupational impact, strain and smoking addiction affecting officers of the EMERCOM firefighting squads of Russia, manifest by cellular and humoral immunity markers.

Methods. The study examined Russia’s EMERCOM firefighting officers authorized to wear insulated personal respiratory protective equipment (n=81, mean age of men 31 y., work experience 1–22 y., 31 % smokers). Peripheral blood and nasal secretion tests were performed. Flow cytometry was used to count subpopulations of monocytes, T-, NK-cells, and T-lymphocytes 2. Total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) was studied using chemiluminescence assay and enzyme immunoassay was used to evaluate secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in mucosa sample.

Results and their analysis. Smokers showed significant distortions in numerous immunity parameters (low levels of T-lymphocytes and sIgA concentration; elevated Th2 and non-classical monocytes), associated with upregulated inflammation, including systemic response. The smoking factor not considered, due to age, longer occupational exposure and labor intensity,

firefighters showed exaggerated type 2 immune response, expressed as upregulated Th 2 count and IgE synthesis, stimulated erythropoiesis in the bone marrow and higher incidence of lower or most commonly elevated sIgA concentrations in nasal secret, caused by unfavorable occupational impacts on the immune system parameters.

Conclusion. Firefighters authorized to wear respiratory protective equipment should undergo an in-depth examination, involving laboratory tests and visualization to evaluate the health of immune system. To prevent immunity-mediated diseases and ensure prompt detection of severe complications, IgE and Th2 shall be a priority consideration as markers of immune response.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):72-80
pages 72-80 views

Comparative hemostatic efficiency of elastic bandage devices and emergency tourniquets applied wearing personal protection equipment

Nosov A.M., Zhabin A.V., Badalov V.I., Selezniov A.B.


Relevance. Massive uncompensated hemorrhage is the main cause of death among casualties during the next few minutes after trauma or injury. Tactical medicine framework provides evidence showing that tourniquet interventions in the first aid to casualties in combat areas can offer an alternative to elastic bandage devices, currently used as a main option for temporary external hemostasis. However, wearing personal protection equipment (PPE) for skin and respiratory protection can make tourniquet interventions rather challenging amid prolonged external hemorrhage and the need to perform manipulations wearing protective gloves.

The study objective is to compare the efficiency of elastic hemostatic bandages and emergency tourniquets applied by the military wearing PPE for skin and respiratory protection.

Methods. The study recruited 29 apparently healthy male volunteers, aged (20.9 ± 1.5) years. Hemostatic first aid efficiency of elastic Esmarch bandage and emergency tourniquet was studied during a simulation exercise in a radioactively contaminated area. The elastic bandage and the emergency tourniquet was tightened around the mid-third of the thigh for no longer that than 5 minutes. The comparative study was carried out in two scenarios: one with both the ‘rescuer’ and ‘casualty’ not wearing PPE; the other with either the rescuer alone or both the rescuer and casualty wearing PPE. The study was conducted in accordance with Ethical requirements.

Results and discussion. The study results showed that both the elastic bandage and tourniquet demonstrated equal efficiency of temporary external hemostasis in the settings when the rescuer was wearing PPE. However, with only the rescuer wearing PPE, casualties reported significantly (p = 0.005) increased severity of pain in emergency tourniquet interventions versus the elastic bandage, scoring (2.8 ± 0.7) and (1.7 ± 1.0) respectively. In 2 cases out of the total 13 applications per each group, neither the elastic bandage, nor the emergence tourniquet allowed to achieve limb occlusion pressure required for safe hemorrhage control. Scenarios with both the rescuer and casualty were wearing PPE revealed significant (p= 0.039) differences in hemorrhage control rate between the elastic bandage and emergency tourniquet. Thus, elastic bandage application demonstrated achieved in all the cases (100%), whereas emergency tourniquet interventions allowed to achieve hemorrhage control in 8 cases only of the total 13 (62 %). In addition, the continued tourniquet time increased significantly (p = 0.001) versus the bandage continued time, (48.5 ± 10.0 and (35.8 ± 8.7) seconds respectively.

Conclusion. In case of external hemorrhage control required in the settings when the rescuer and casualty are wearing PPE for skin and respiratory protection, the elastic bandage is a a preferred solution. Scenarios when the rescuer and casualty are wearing PPE for skin and respiratory protection require mandatory theoretical knowledge and training of practical skills among rescuers operating in areas of radioactive, chemical, or biological contamination.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):81-89
pages 81-89 views

Availability of fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in military conscripts by the end of initial military training

Shantyr’ I.I., Rodionov G.G., Smetanin A.L., Korosteleva O.G., Svetkina E.V., Kolobova E.A.


Relevance. Conducted large-scale studies have shown that more than 40 % of conscripts are practically unable to adapt to military service environment in terms of physical and mental development. Usually, their diseases are of adaptive origin. Initially, professional activity of the military involves risk to health or even life; however, even greater impact is caused by violation of accommodation hygiene, improper nutrition and training set-up, especially during professional military missions in field scenarios. At initial stages of service, decreased functional reserves and increased general morbidity, involving temporary disability, are revealed. In a healthy organism, stress-related oxidative stress is a critical common mechanism of adaptation to extreme conditions.

The objective is to assess availability of fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in military conscripts by the end of initial military training.

Methods. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination was performed in 173 military males conscripted for military service in the Leningrad Region. The average age is (19.3 ± 0.8) years. Malondialdehyde, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D₃), polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) were measured in blood plasma from examined patients, using chromatography with mass-spectrometry.

Results and discussion. Serum malondyaldehyde concentration was within reference in 100 % of the conscripted military. Serum 25-OH-D₃ was close to the lower reference threshold, with deficiency revealed in 43 % of examined conscripts. Vitamin E concentration was close to the lower reference threshold, with 25 % showing deficiency. Arachidonic and linoleic acids (omega-6) were 1.6 and 2 times below reference, respectively. Concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) were below reference in 50 % of conscripts.

Conclusion. The obtained data suggest vitamin 25-OH-D₃ and E deficiency, whereas its resolution suggests another important tool for disease prevention in the military. To overcome polyunsaturated fatty acids deficiency, balanced nutrition is required that would include vegetable oils, nuts, fatty fish and seafood. A promising solution for omega-3 deficiency is additional intake of omega-3 supplements. The study is critical to ensure prevention and correction of disorders in the conscripted military.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):90-97
pages 90-97 views

Социальные и психологические проблемы

Approaches to modelling the possible number of individuals rescued in the area of terrorist attacks worldwide until 2030

Shulenin N.S., Lemeshkin R.N., Efremov A.A., Pytsky D.E.


Relevance. The study of tools allowing to model the possible number of individuals rescued in the area of terrorist attacks until 2030 is justified by the demand for effective deployment of forces, capacities, and resources in response to terrorist threats. Dedicated research based on statistics for terrorist attacks, military and irretrievable losses allows to develop more accurate and reliable calculations and approaches to enhance planning and organization of preventive measures, as well as life-saving rescue operations.

The objective is to justify the positive value of various prognostic tools that allow to predict the number of individuals to be rescued in the area of terrorist attacks.

Methods. This study is based on a comprehensive expert database of 1970-2020 terrorist attacks and their consequences. The retrospective analysis covers over 220,000 cases of terrorist action and relies on the following main parameters: terrorist attack tactics, object and tools. The MS EXCEL software was utilized for data analysis to design a predictive model and enhance the accuracy of investigated parameters. The obtained results reflect average values of irretrievable losses across all forecasts.

Results and discussion. The study results show that predicted measurements regarding the number of individuals rescued in the area of terrorist attacks are above the trend level, except for the confidence interval lower threshold. The average measures obtained for all forecasts show a moderate growth of 38 % from 2021 to 2030. Moreover, our results justify the need for more profound medical training and more resilient protective equipment for individuals at rescue, especially in case of specific injuries associated with particular tactics of terrorist attacks.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):98-105
pages 98-105 views

Науковедение. Подготовка и развитие научных исследований

Combat stress: the VOSviewer study results adapted to analyze papers published by foreign investigators (2005–2021)

Evdokimov V.I., Shamrey V.K., Pluzhnik M.S.


Relevance. Wars and military conflicts are always associated with the impact on the military of a large number of pathogenic combat factors, predominantly of stressful origin, with a significantly higher intensity of exposure in combat missions. It is no coincidence that today combat stress and its consequences remain one of the most urgent issues both for the military personnel and civilians, directly or indirectly involved in the armed conflict.

The objective of the paper is to analyse of the content of papers on combat stress published by foreign investigators from 2005 to 2021, using the adapted results of the VOSviewer study.

Methodology. With an ever-increasing flow of scientific publications devoted to various aspects of combat stress, a comprehensive independent analysis of their content becomes very problematic. With this in mind, we used a special analytical software VOSviewer. 5428 publications on combat stress, published from 2005 to 2021 and indexed in the PubMed abstract database, were analyzed. With 10 repetitions of keywords across 10 papers, published by investigators individually or in co-authorship, 390 keywords and 11 main scientific co-authorships were produced. However, the VOSviewer software does not perform semantic analysis of keywords. The paper suggests to group keywords similar meaning into generalized concepts in order to provide for a more adequate independent analysis of the cluster content. The resulting keywords were combined into 38 generalized concepts. Based on the total link strength, the contribution of keyword and co-authorship clusters to the total array of publications was calculated.

Results and discussion. The combined concepts were divided into 4 clusters. Cluster 1 includes papers focused mainly on acute and chronic stress disorders and their manifestations in combat veterans. The total link strength of keywords was 36.8 % of the structure in the total array of publications. Cluster 2 comprises papers relying on evidence-based medicine to investigate health disorders in the military engaged in armed conflicts and exposed to combat stress, with a total link strength of 36.5 %. Cluster 3 represents papers with a minimal focus on combat disorders in favor of first aid, accessibility and promptness of medical services, as well as other healthcare organization parameters, including military medicine, psychotherapeutic and combination therapy, with a total link strength of 14.3 %. Papers in Cluster 4 contained the group of keywords on psychological adaptation of respondents exposed to combat stress, with a total link strength of 12.4 %. Most papers were published by US scientists working in the institutions of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

Conclusion. As a result, the analysis allowed to show high consistency of content between foreign and domestic publications on combat stress. Foreign scientific publications stand out for a solid evidence-based framework of research, wider coverage of international combat conflicts, references to a broad scope of papers by fellow investigators from different countries, and intensive focus on combat stress disorders in the wounded or the military with combined trauma and other pathologies.

Medical-biological and social-psychological issues of safety in emergency situations. 2023;(3):106-121
pages 106-121 views

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