Problems and directions of improving the industrial production digitalization

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Introduction. Digitalization of the industrial sector in Russia is a priority task aimed at modernizing and optimizing production processes, improving the quality and competitiveness of products, as well as strengthening the country’s position in the world market, which makes it relevant to analyze the problems of introducing digital technologies into industrial production. Theoretical analysis. The main internal and external aspects of the industrial production digitalization that may affect its success are presented, a SWOT analysis is carried out and the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats associated with the digitalization of industrial production in Russia are analyzed. Empirical analysis. The digitalization of industrial production in Russia is under the influence of the following problems: lack of digital infrastructure, lack of qualified personnel, high implementation costs, cybersecurity problems, unprepared legislation. Results. The directions for improving the digitalization of industrial production are determined. In general, the results of improving the industrial production digitalization are associated with improving the efficiency, flexibility, quality and competitiveness of the organization, as well as creating new opportunities for growth and development.

About the authors

Kirill Olegovich Kirilov

Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-1989-9981
23/25 Sobornaya St., Saratov 410031, Russia


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