Comparative assessment of peripheral blocade of sciastic nerve performed by subgluteal and popgluteal access using electrical stimulation of peripheral nerve under us guidance

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Goal. Compare the area of the sensor unit with the blockade of the sciatic nerve subgluteal and classic access. Achieved 60 blockades of the sciatic nerve in combination with femoral nerve blockade. In group A (30 patients) the blockade of the sciatic nerve was performed classical access, in group B (30 patients) - subgluteal access with the patient lying on his stomach. All of the blockade of the sciatic nerve were performed with 30 ml of 1% lidocaine (epinephrine 1: 200 000). Sensory block was evaluated in the foot, ankle, lower leg, popliteal fossa and hamstring. Evaluation of the sensory block was performed using prick. In group A complete motor block of the sciatic nerve occurred in all 30 patients. In those same 30 patients (100%) developed a full sensory block (++) in the area of the foot, lower leg, popliteal, posterior thigh. All patients had complete motor block of the sciatic nerve. In group B complete sensory block in the area of the foot, lower leg developed in all patients. In the popliteal fossa a full sensory block (++) did not develop in any patient, a partial unit + occurred in 22 patients (73.3%) and in 50 patients (26.7%) did not develop a sensor unit. In group B the sensor unit in the lower, middle and upper third Femur not developed (-) no patient. When the blockade of the sciatic nerve subgluteal access full sensor unit is not developed in the popliteal fossa and hamstring. When using the classic access sensor unit is developed in the popliteal fossa and hamstring

About the authors

Valery G. Piacherski

Mogilev Regional Hospital

anesthesiologist, MD., PhD., Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care 212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus’

A. V Marochkov

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus’


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