卷 9, 编号 4 (2014)


Anatomical and functional outcome of the lensvitrectomy for different age children with stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity

Diskalenko O., Konikova O., Gajdar M., Brzhesky V.


The analysis of anatomical and functional outcome of the lensvitrectomy for stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity in Leningrad Regional Children’s Hospital is presented. 92 patients (180 eyes) aged from 2 to 17 years (mean 4,0 ± 0.2 ) were examined. Total retinal attachment was achieved in 35,6% (64 eyes, 53 patients ), partial - in 37,2% of cases ( 67 eyes, 51 children ), total retinal detachment was inoperable in 27,2% (49 eyes, 42 children). We propose a new method of evaluating the impact of surgical treatment for retinal detachment by calculating the coefficient of retina attachment (Ca). Ca after the lensvitrectomy depended on the patient’s age and in children treated at the age of 6-9 months it was 0,6 ± 0,03, at the age up to 5 months - 0,5 ± 0,04, and older than 10 months - 0,4 ± 0,02. The average visual acuity was 0,01 ± 0,002.
Russian Pediatric Ophthalmology. 2014;9(4):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Individual approach for the tactic of strabismus esotropia surgery in children based on histological data of the disease pathogenesis

Zhukova O., Zolotarev A., Yamschikov N., Nikolaeva G.


The purpose of the research was to define the anatomical and histological features of extraocular muscles in children with concomitant esotropia and develop the individual approach for the tactic of strabismus esotropia surgery. Histological and histochemical research of «weakening» muscle’s tendons took place. All fragments removed during the resection procedure in children with esotropia. The distance between medial rectus muscle and limbus was measured during the operation. Secondary dystrophic changers and elongation of the lateral rectus muscle’s tendon were found. Secondary dystrophic changers depend on deviation angle value and strabismus duration. A new dosing scheme of muscle recession/resection according to individual anatomical and histological parameters was proposed. Using of this scheme allows to receive ortotropia after surgical treatment in 83,8% even in large esotropia.
Russian Pediatric Ophthalmology. 2014;9(4):10-15
pages 10-15 views

Emmetropization: a new approach to the familiar concepts

Kushnarevich N., Tyrin A.


The article is devoted to the critical analysis and clarifying the concept of «emmetropization» - one of the key notions used in the research of the eye optical components’ development process. The considerations for changing the semantic content of the term «emmetropization» are proposed. The authors offer to consider the statistically-based biological norm for young adult’s cycloplegic refraction (i.e. the peak of frequency in refractive errors distribution for corresponding age) as a target value for the emmetropization process - instead of the zero value of static clinical refraction used today. The authors believe in mostly «abstract figure» in the context of emmetropization. Presumably, not «zero» static refraction but a low degree of hyperopia should be used as a healthy norm for the young adults.
Russian Pediatric Ophthalmology. 2014;9(4):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Modern diagnostics and therapy of pollinosis in children

Yani E., Pozdnyakova V., Yakushina L., Grishakova M.


The authors discuss methods of pollinosis treatment, which is common allergic disease caused by pollen and characterized by acute inflammatory changes in the mucous coats and skin. Eye allergy diseases more often accompanied by tear production defects with varying severity. Therefore, the authors recommend tear replacement therapy. In the Infectious and Allergic diseases department of the Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases the treatment algorithm of the pollen-induced allergic conjunctivitis in children is developed.
Russian Pediatric Ophthalmology. 2014;9(4):22-23
pages 22-23 views
pages 24-63 views
