Individual approach for the tactic of strabismus esotropia surgery in children based on histological data of the disease pathogenesis

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The purpose of the research was to define the anatomical and histological features of extraocular muscles in children with concomitant esotropia and develop the individual approach for the tactic of strabismus esotropia surgery. Histological and histochemical research of «weakening» muscle’s tendons took place. All fragments removed during the resection procedure in children with esotropia. The distance between medial rectus muscle and limbus was measured during the operation. Secondary dystrophic changers and elongation of the lateral rectus muscle’s tendon were found. Secondary dystrophic changers depend on deviation angle value and strabismus duration. A new dosing scheme of muscle recession/resection according to individual anatomical and histological parameters was proposed. Using of this scheme allows to receive ortotropia after surgical treatment in 83,8% even in large esotropia.

About the authors

Ol’ga Vladimirovna Zhukova

Samara State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health; «Samara T.I. Eroshevsky Ophthalmological Hospital»

Ophthalmology Departmen 443068, Samara, Russia

A. V Zolotarev

Samara State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health; «Samara T.I. Eroshevsky Ophthalmological Hospital»

Ophthalmology Departmen 443068, Samara, Russia

N. V Yamschikov

Samara State Medical University Ministry of Health

Histological and embryological department 443099, Samara, Russia

G. A Nikolaeva

Samara State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health; «Samara T.I. Eroshevsky Ophthalmological Hospital»

Ophthalmology Departmen 443068, Samara, Russia


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