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Aim. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the results of lensectomy in the combination with intraocular lens implantation including various types of their fixation in the children presenting with Marfan’s syndrome. Materials and methods. The study included 16 children presenting with Marfan’s syndrome and congenital cataract (31 eyes) at the age from 3 to 16 (mean 9.8+-4.1) years treated in the Excimer Eye Centre during a period from 2003 to 2015. The best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) prior to the surgical treatment was estimated at 0.1-0.4 (0.32+-0.16). All the patients underwent early phacoemulsification of the cataract in the combination with the intraocular lens implantation after the standard ophthalmological examination. Various types of intraocular lens implants were applied, namely AcrySof SN 60AT (n=2), SN60WF (n=3), MA60AC (n=19), MA60BM (n=2), and toric SN60T5 (n=3). The choice of the method for the intraocular Implant fixation depended on the degree of lens ectopia, the capsule characteristics, and the age of the patient. Results. Three main types of lens fixation were identified, viz. the mixed type (n-5), intracapsular (n-15) and intrascleral (n= 11) types. The BCVA measured within 12-36 months after the surgical intervention: was 0.4-1.0 (0.78+-0.26). The dislocation of the implanted intraocular lens was documented in 10 children, including all the three cases in the group with the mixed type of fixation without suturing and two cases of membranous cataract. Lens dislocation developed in 6 eyes of the patients with the Intracapsular localization of the intraocular lens and in 7 other eyes of the children comprising this group. Secondary lens reposition was required in a single patient who had undergone intrascleral lens fixation. No cases of uveitis, retinal detachment, macular oedema, and other complications were documented. Conclusion. In all the cases of lensectomy in the combination with the intraocular lens implantation in the children presenting with Marfan’s syndrome, the well apparent improvement of the visual functions and reduction of the severity of ambliopathy have been achieved. The lowest frequency of postoperative complications and the best functional outcome of the surgical treatment were documented in the group of the children with the intrascleral fixation of the intraocular lens implants. However, further studies involving a large sample of the patients are needed to obtain the statistically significant data for the evaluation of the long-term outcomes of the surgical treatment of the children presenting with Marfan’s syndrome and the choice of the optimal method for the fixation of the intraocular lens implants.

About the authors

K. B Pershin

Sovmedtech Ltd. (Excimer Eye Centre)

Moscow, 109147, Russian Federation

N. F Pashinova

Sovmedtech Ltd. (Excimer Eye Centre)

Moscow, 109147, Russian Federation

A. V Cherkashina

Sovmedtech Ltd. (Excimer Eye Centre)

врач офтальмологического центра «Эксимер», 109147, г. Москва Moscow, 109147, Russian Federation

A. Yu Tsygankov

Sovmedtech Ltd. (Excimer Eye Centre)

Moscow, 109147, Russian Federation


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