Integration of Education

ISSN (print): 1991-9468ISSN (online): 2308-1058

Founder: National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University

Editor-in-Chief: Dmitriy E. Glushko, Cand.Sci. (Ped.)

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Open

Included in: White list (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC, Scopus

Integration of Education – a peer-reviewed open-access scholarly journal. The journal Integration of Education publishes original scientific articles (Full Articles) in Russian and English, previously not published in other editions. The aim of the journal is an objective presentation of results of original scientific research of current leading tendencies of educational processes, analysis of pedagogical, psychological and sociological problems of education development in Russia and the international scientific community.

The journal’s mission is to maintain and develop a unified research space in the field of education integration, as well as to foster interuniversity cooperation of academic staff.

The journal is addressed to researchers, analysts and practitioners in the field of pedagogy, psychology and sociology of education, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in the problems of integrating education in modern society.

The Editorial Board reviews (double-blind review) all incoming papers. The manuscript of the article is sent for review to several leading specialists of the corresponding profile, who have scientific specialization closest to the subject of the article, to evaluate the scientific content.

The Editorial Board follows the principle of zero tolerance to plagiarism. Plagiarism сhecking is carried out by using Anti-Plagiarism and iThenticate software.

The journal adheres to editorial ethics standards following international practice of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal is distributed in Russia and other countries of the world.

The journal offers direct open access to full-text issues based on the following principle: open access to research results contributes to the increase of global knowledge sharing.

The Journal is included in the List of peer reviewed scientific journals published by the Higher Attestation Commission in which major research results from the dissertations of Candidates of Sciences (Cand.Sci.) and Doctor of Science (Dr.Sci.) degrees are to be published. Scientific specialties of dissertations and their respective branches of science are as follows:

  • Pedagogical psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological sciences),
  • Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences),
  • Sociology of culture (sociological sciences),
  • Sociology of management (sociological sciences),
  • General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences),
  • Theory and methods of training and education (by fields and levels of education) (pedagogical sciences),
  • Correctional pedagogy (surdopedagogy and typopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy) (pedagogical sciences),
  • Methodology and technology of professional education (pedagogical sciences).


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Current Issue

Vol 28, No 3 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue

International Experience in the Integration of Education

International Students’ Need for University Support
Marinenko O.P.

Introduction. The various challenges faced by international students encourage educational scholars and practitioners to advocate for the development of assistance and support activities targeting this group of students. The scientific justification of the study rests on the lack of empirical studies investigating the specific demand of international students for support activities organized by universities. The aim of the study was to find out the most important types of university support sought by international students. In addition, the study was to determine which university staff should be involved in assisting international students.

Materials and Methods. The main research method used was a group survey conducted in the spring of 2023 at the Belarusian-Russian University and covering 96% of the entire contingent of international students. A questionnaire including 14 types of supportive initiatives was developed for the survey. In the course of the study, respondents assessed the significance of the proposed types of support on a four-level scale. The SPSS Statistics program was used to process the results.

Results. The results showed that the main forms of support for international students were facilitating problem-oriented meetings and increasing extracurricular initiatives. In addition, international students perceived the support provided by university lecturers as slightly less important. Specifically, the following forms of faculty support were ranked in the following order: giving international students additional time to formulate their answers, optimizing academic assignments, distributing printed lecture materials, and facilitating individual consultations. Finally, relatively less important types of support were considered by international students to be learning a special adaptation course and being accompanied by senior students or faculty mentors.

Discussion and Conclusion. The results of this study confirmed the need to improve the educational environment at the university, thereby contributing to the identification of precise measures to assist and support international students. The contents of this paper will prove valuable to researchers working in comparable academic fields and practitioners seeking to improve the standard of education for international students. The results may also form the basis for further research into the development of activities to support international students.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):334-346
pages 334-346 views
Educational Migration as a Tool for Increasing the Labor Force
Rostovskaya T.K., Davletshina L.A.

Introduction. The decrease in the population of Russia in recent decades has been caused by ongoing natural decline and decrease in migration growth. The government’s policy of increasing the country’s migration attractiveness has not yet produced the expected results. The average version of the population forecast indicates a decrease in the number, an increase in the proportion of the population older than the able-bodied, a decrease in the proportion of the population younger than the able-bodied, which will subsequently be reflected in the size of the workforce. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current parameters of the labor force; to study educational migration as a source of attracting foreign graduates to work in Russia.

Materials and Methods. The paper examines the current parameters of the Russian labor force, and draws conclusions on changes in key labor market indicators. The current regulations and legal acts regulating labor migration have been identified, including those on attracting highly qualified specialists and retaining graduates from foreign countries to work in Russia.

Results. As a result of the study of the state policy in the field of education, measures have been identified to expand the accessibility of the educational services market in Russia for foreign students. Possible options for their further employment in Russian companies and for work abroad are presented. The state policy of the main donor countries of foreign students in Russia, as well as government regulation measures in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, has been studied.

Discussion and Conclusion. The results of this study can be used in the process of developing state migration and educational policy, in the field of improving the legislative regulation of educational migration and the subsequent attraction of foreign graduates to employment in Russia.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):347-365
pages 347-365 views

Pedagogical Psychology

Personal Resources of Psychological Safety of Students Studying in New Territories of the Russian Federation
Baeva I.A., Laktionova E.B., Kondakova I.V., Savenko Y.S.

Introduction. The state of a person’s psychological safety determines his/her effective functioning in a crisis situation. The significance of this state and its support increase sharply in a social situation of uncertainty, in which there is no stability of the external environment and there are many threats to the physical and mental status of a person. Such a tense sociocultural situation is currently typical for the new territories of the Russian Federation. The aim of the study is empirical substantiation of the structure of psychological safety of students studying in new territories of the Russian Federation, and the identification of personal resources that support this state.

Materials and Methods. The study sample consisted of 1,034 people studying in the Zaporozhye region. Methods for collecting empirical data: a questionnaire of subjective well-being; indices of acceptance of aggressive, addictive, self-harming, suicidal, risky, delinquent behavior as normative and acceptance of the ideas of extremism, nationalism, xenophobia, fascism; “TromsØ Social Intelligence Scale”, “Cognitive Regulation of Emotions”, “Life Style Index”; indicators reflecting value orientations related to human life, health and safety, value orientations of social interaction and personal development were used. Factor and linear regression analyzes were used to process the data.

Results. The structure of psychological safety of students studying in new territories of the Russian Federation has been empirically determined. It consists of 7 components: subjective well-being, assessment of the acceptance of such forms of behavior as aggressive, addictive, self-harming and suicidal, risky, delinquent as normative, as well as assessment of acceptance of ideas of extremism, nationalism, xenophobia and fascism. The composition of personal resources of the state of students’ psychological safety in a tense sociocultural environment has been proven.

Discussion and Conclusion. The identified personal resources of psychological safety of students studying in new territories of the Russian Federation are the basis for developing a model of psychological and pedagogical support in an educational organization and creating psychological technologies that meet the real needs of a tense socio-cultural environment.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):366-383
pages 366-383 views
Inclusive Dispositions and Competences of School Teachers: Problems of Interrelation
Kantor V.Z., Proekt Y.L.

Introduction. Diversification of education of children with special needs, carried out on the basis of the inclusive educational paradigm, actualized the tasks of formation and development of inclusive competencies of teachers in general educational organizations. These competencies, however, should be considered in their connection with inclusive dispositions of a teacher as meaning structures of his/her personality. But the problem of interrelation of inclusive dispositions and teachers’ competences has not been empirically developed so far. Establishing the nature of the relationship between inclusive dispositions and competences of teachers of general education organizations was the purpose of the study, which was implemented in the context of the typological approach to inclusive dispositions of teachers and the materials of which are presented in the paper.

Materials and Methods. The study surveyed 759 primary, secondary, and supplementary education teachers from 7 federal districts of Russia. The authors employed diagnostic methods, including a situational professional test for evaluating the development of inclusive competencies in teachers, as well as a self-identification questionnaire for determining a teacher’s inclusive dispositions.

Results. The materials of the study show that there are reliable differences between teachers characterized by different types of inclusive dispositions with regard to all basic inclusive competencies. Least of all they are formed among teachers with pronounced negative and skeptical inclusive dispositions, with the negative disposition acting as a predictor of underdevelopment of teachers’ inclusive competencies, while the links of supportive and analytical inclusive dispositions with teachers’ inclusive competencies are weak, although reliable.

Discussion and Conclusion. The study, augmented by newly obtained empirical data, enhances understanding of the professional and personal readiness of teachers for inclusive education. Its findings underscore the necessity of focused efforts to shape and refine the perceptions of a teacher’s professional activities within inclusive settings. This necessitates their integration into the development of professional training programs geared towards inclusion for teachers.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):384-399
pages 384-399 views
Parents’ Perceptions of Suicide and Requests for Increased Awareness in Prevention of Children’s Suicidal Behavior
Knizhnikova S.V.

Introduction. The issue of suicidal behavior among minors highlights the need to explore preventive measures within the family. Optimizing family-based suicide prevention for children necessitates the assessment of parental awareness regarding the phenomenon of suicidal behavior and the potential strategies for prevention. This serves as the primary objective of the study.

Materials and Methods. A survey was conducted embracing 3,866 parents and containing 85 questions testing parents’ perceptions on suicide determinants, behavioral risk signals, understanding of response methods to avert suicidal behaviors in children, and identification of challenges and requests within suicide prevention and intervention.

Results. The findings reveal lacunas in parents’ understanding of suicidal factors, with many respondents downplaying certain factors as inconsequential. Parents predominantly identify overt self-harm indicators as significant markers of suicidal risk, while early warning signs are often overlooked. Given this, some parents perceive direct suicidal threats from children as manipulative tactics. School psychologists and private specialists like psychologists, coaches, and consultants are the main source of hope for parents in terms of suicide prevention. Overall, a majority of respondents acknowledge significant shortcomings in contemporary parents’ suicidological knowledge.

Discussion and Conclusion. Tailored interventions to enhance parents’ suicidological awareness show promise and should adhere to specifications such as succinct delivery, accessibility, and evidence-based content. Other important components include the option for remote learning of training materials and parents acquiring skills to aid children in developing coping mechanisms, fostering assertive behavior, providing support during challenging life circumstances, and examining a child’s online presence from a suicidological perspective. Additionally, reinforcing suicidological training, particularly related to deviant behaviors, for educators is deemed pertinent. It is imperative to monitor and evaluate the quality of suicide prevention and counseling services offered by a variety of private specialists like paid psychologists, consultants, psychotherapists, and coaches. The practical significance of this research lies in the fact that the findings may provide a foundation for the development of programs aimed at educating parents about suicidology and preventing suicidal behavior among minors.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):400-420
pages 400-420 views

Education and Workforce Policies

Learning or Serving in Russian Higher Education: Features of a New Approach’s Initial Stage Implemention
Nikolskiy V.S., Zlenko A.N.

Introduction. Service learning is a relatively new phenomenon and pedagogical approach in Russian higher education, with its widespread implementation starting in September 2023. The growing attention from researchers to the topic of service learning, along with the lack of corresponding scholarly publications, has sparked our scientific interest. This article is dedicated to the specifics of implementing service learning in the national context.

Materials and methods. The study was conducted from March to August 2023. The case study method was chosen as the research strategy. 18 Russian universities participated in the research. The study design included semi-structured interviews and document analysis.

Results. Through our research, we identified the peculiarities of implementing the “service learning” approach in Russian universities during the nascent stages of this practice. The analysis of the results allowed us to identify the reasons, sources, and motives for applying the service learning approach in higher education, as well as to determine the characteristics of implementing the service learning approach during its emergence in Russia.

Discussion and Conclusion. Firstly, we observed a polarization of service learning practices regarding key categories – learning and service. Some practices were labeled as “learning without service”, focusing predominantly on students’ professional training. Another set of practices was termed “service without learning”, due to the predominant interest in social activities at the expense of students’ development as future professionals. Secondly, the identified lack of attention to interpreting results, setting goals, and achieving them led to discussions about a specific “non-reflective pedagogy” within the framework of the service learning approach.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):421-435
pages 421-435 views
The Role of Work-Based Learning in Enhancing Career Adaptability: An Empirical Study from Vocational Students in Indonesian and Malaysian Universities
Mahfud T., Masek A., Suyitno S., Ihsan A.N., Fransisca Y., Pranoto P.W., Pranoto A., Hadi S., Susanto A.

Introduction. Career adaptability has been recognized as one of the skills needed to face changing needs in the world of work. This study is increasingly interesting from the perspective of instilling career adaptability in a vocational university environment. The importance of mastering career adaptability has been established, but the interaction between predictors such as work-based learning factors, curriculum relevance, university support, career self-efficacy has not been well-defined. This study aims to investigate the role of work-based learning, curriculum relevance, university support, and career self-efficacy on university students’ career adaptability.

Materials and Methods. We involved 476 vocational students from universities in Indonesia and Malaysia. The data analysis used structural equation modelling (SEM) to test direct and indirect effects of career adaptability. The study utilizes the Amos 18 software for SEM analysis. This study used 200 bootstrap samples and a bias-corrected confidence interval of 90% to analyse the mediation role.

Results. The study results reveal that work-based learning, curriculum relevance, university support, and career self-efficacy directly influence the career adaptability of vocational students. Another finding is that career self-efficacy was proven to mediate the effect of work-based learning and university support on vocational students’ career adaptability. Career self-efficacy does not mediate the effect of curriculum relevance on vocational students’ career adaptability.

Discussion and Conclusion. The results of this study provide important implications for vocational education practitioners to promote career adaptability in the university environment through various work-based learning programs, curriculum relevance, university support, and career self-efficacy. Also, the result will guide the ongoing WBL curriculum review and improvement in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):436-453
pages 436-453 views

Education and Culture

Social media use and online prosocial behaviour among high school students: The role of moral identity, empathy, and social self-efficacy
Shodiq S.F., Syamsudin S., Dahliyana A., Kurniawaty I., Faiz A.

Introduction. The digital landscape is becoming increasingly important in shaping adolescents’ social interactions. Most researchers examine the negative effects of social media, but there are virtually no publications on the positive effects of social networks on the formation of prosocial behaviour in the digital space. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of social networks, moral identity, empathy, and social self-efficacy on the formation of prosocial behaviour in students on the Internet.

Methods and Materials. A total of 430 students participated in the study in public high schools in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data obtained were analyzed using the software tool Smart-PLS, which is used for structural equation modeling analysis, related to the constructs of revisit intention and suggestion intention. Two types of analyses, external and internal models, were applied in this paper.

Results. The materials of the article prove the positive influence of social networks, moral identity, belongingness, and social self-efficacy on prosocial behaviour of adolescent students on the Internet. Social interaction through digital media enables students to engage in prosocial behaviours: sharing positive experiences, emotional support, etc. Moral identity becomes a key factor in cyberspace in terms of determining how interaction responds to content on the Internet. Empathy acts as a link that facilitates the transformation of information received through social media into positive reactions. Social self-efficacy is the psychological basis that motivates people to maintain positive behaviour on the Internet as well as in social networks.

Discussion and Conclusion. The results of the study will be essential for the development of students’ prosocial behaviour on the Internet in schools through various educational programs, especially in the context of online interactions; provide a solid foundation for the creation of educational programs that help reinforce moral and ethical values, as well as improve students’ empathy and social self-efficacy skills.


Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):454-468
pages 454-468 views
Cultural Foundations and Norm-Creating Perspectives of “New Ethics” in the Expert Assessment of the Academic Community
Sychev A.А., Zhadunova N.V.

Introduction. The relevance of the study relies on the dissemination of the ideas of “new ethics”, reflecting modern transformations in the understanding of justice, social recognition, political correctness, the fight against discrimination, stigmatization, etc. The academic community, which largely determines the value vector of educational process, is an active participant in the discussion about the “new ethics” The purpose of the study is to analyze its ideas about sociocultural foundations and norm-making prospects of “new ethics”.

Materials and Methods. The article is based on the results of the authors’ research conducted among representatives of the academic community. 32 specialists in sociology, ethics and law from Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus were selected as experts. The method of collecting primary sociological information is an expert web interview implemented on the Yandex Forms platform. Recruitment of respondents was carried out through the researchers’ own networks.

Results. Experts define “new ethics” as a set of norms and principles formed in the conditions of digital communication and aimed against manifestations of discrimination and violence. The goal of the “new ethics” is to rethink relations between people in the context of the cuttent round of recognition process and increased sensitivity to the violation of the personal boundaries. The focus of the “new ethics” is on the forms of violence that were previously hidden from public view. Experts believe that the “new ethics” has serious norm-creating potential, and regulations are already being changed to meet new requirements. However, they believe that these changes should be thoughtful and not be driven by the emotions,, to which the “new ethics” often appeals.

Discussion and Conclusion. Since “new ethics” has a serious impact on education, taking into account the views of the academic community on it is necessary to develop strategies for upbringing, making new laws and codes of academic ethics.

Integration of Education. 2024;28(3):469-482
pages 469-482 views

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