The movement of innovators-educators of the 1980s: the thirty-years anniversary of the pedagogy of cooperation




The article shows the background of the emergence of the movement of innovative teachers in the second half of 1980-ies. in the USSR, on the wave of perestroika and the reform of secondary and vocational schools. The leaders of innovative pedagogy movement have been named. The main stages in the development of this progressive socio-pedagogical movement which became the true catalyst of creative recovery of a large number of native teachers, especially school teachers, have been shown. The basic ideas of pedagogy of cooperation, such as the idea of personality, the development of creative content and performing abilities, personal approach, reliance, a difficult goal, large blocks of material, outstripping, free choice, self-analysis, intellectual background, class collective creative education, etc, are characterized. The author provides his own interpretation of the concepts of «advanced pedagogical experience» and «pedagogical innovation».


Vladimir Pomelov

Vyatka State University

Dr. Ped. Sci., Professor of Pedagogy Department. Academic building No. 1, 36, Moscowskaya Str., Kirov, 610000


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