


The article is devoted to the problems of fiction poetic texts in the process of learning a foreign language. The purpose of this paper is to examine the feasibility of using them. The texts are considered as means of creating communicative competence of learners. As a source of information, they provide the formation of cultural competence of the trainee. Appeal to the artistic text gives an opportunity to master the word in the nominative and the unity of its aesthetic function. Finally, art poetic texts are an essential means of learning motivation, as they have interest in studying a foreign language. Language learning through the use of the song makes it much faster to recognize foreign speech that is the most important step in mastering the language. Increasing vocabulary without memorization simultaneously produces the correct pronunciation. It is very important at the initial stage of learning a foreign language to hear and understand individual words and phrases in the whole set of unintelligible sounds. It is also important to put the correct pronunciation initially. Songs in English will help you deal with these and other tasks. The use of songs contributes to the development of interest in the study of English. Musical and poetic expressive means are: condensation of thought and image enhanced emotional, rhythmic repeatability. Rhythmic repetition, being one of the most significant factors, causes a person to focus attention and contributes to good language learning.


Marina Mignenko

Syzran Department of Samara State Technical University

Email: mignenkom@mail.ru
candidate of pedagogical science, Head of Department of Foreign Languages. 45, Sovetskaya Str., Syzran, 446001

Ekaterina Mironcheva

Syzran Department of Samara State Technical University

Email: ekaterina.mironcheva@yandex.ru
the student of Mechanical Faculty. 45, Sovetskaya Str., Syzran, 446001


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