New trends in teaching foreign languages

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The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the introduction of new technologies in teaching foreign languages is one of the most important tools of the teacher, which help creating not only a memorable lesson, but also experience that will remain with students for a long time. The hypothesis of the study assumes that the use of target and project methods in teaching foreign languages is able to maximize the use of language resources for students, allowing them to diversify their own training. With the advent of information technology, the role of the teacher has changed significantly. This has resulted that the teacher has got new responsibilities, namely to show students how to use these devices to gain new language skills and experience, not just for leisure and enjoyable forwarding time. Students should be taught to use technology as a mean to achieve a goal, such as learning or improving a foreign language. The main problem of this article is related to the fact that, despite the available methods of teaching foreign languages, the level of forming students’ language competencies remains extremely low; the methods proposed by the authors help the teacher to create a unique experience of teaching foreign languages in almost every lesson, provided that he / she is aware of the possible options for their use and how to configure them in a specific educational situation of teaching; not all modern methods in teaching foreign languages serve the needs of the student.The results of the study showed that the target and project methods of teaching foreign languages are effective tools to improve the students’ level of language proficiency and can be used both separately and in conjunction with the traditional methods of teaching foreign languages by teachers, specialists in the field of pedagogy and methods of teaching foreign languages, students and others.

About the authors

Gennadiy V. Glukhov

Samara State University of Economics

PhD in Education, Professor of Linguistics and Foreign Language Business Communication Department 141, Sovetskaya Armiya Str., Samara, Russia, 443090

Yulia D. Yermakova

Samara State University of Economics

PhD in Education, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Foreign Language Business Communication Department. 141, Sovetskaya Armiya Str., Samara, Russia, 443090

Lyubov V. Kapustina

Samara State University of Economics

PhD in Education, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Foreign Language Business Communication Department. 141, Sovetskaya Armiya Str., Samara, Russia, 443090


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Copyright (c) 2018 Glukhov G.V., Yermakova Y.D., Kapustina L.V.

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