Didactic game as a means of developing the professionalism of the teacher

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The research raises and reveals the problem of the development of the teacher’s professionalism. The purpose of the paper is to describe the use, development of didactic games by teachers for students, focused on the development of their individuality, determining the growth of the teacher’s professionalism, expressed in the enhancement of competencies associated with the transfer of external motivation of activity into internal, creative approach of teachers to solving problems. The methodological substantiation of the didactic game is the theory of activity, the coaching approach. The results of the study were the design and testing of didactic games focused on the development of the individuality of students, determining the growth of the teacher’s professionalism. The author’s position on the essence of the proposed didactic game, its structure, the mechanism of transferring external motivation of activity into internal one is marked. The scientific novelty of the research includes the developed didactic game, designed on the basis of the psychological and pedagogical mechanism of transferring the external motivation of activity into the internal one. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the development of the structure of a didactic game (as a system), including interrelated components: a game exercise in a lesson, a business game in a classroom hour, a reflexion of a conscious, free choice/non-choice of activity to solve a problem in society, productive activity in society, reflection on the activities carried out. The practical significance of the research includes the specific didactic games developed by teachers, including the didactic game «On the Approaches to the Throne of Zeus», proposed in the article. The analysis of the results of experimental work on the accompaniment of a teacher in his professional development showed a positive dynamics of the levels of professionalism of the teacher. This allowed the authors of the article to consider the developed means of developing the teacher’s professionalism effective.

About the authors

Vera M. Zhurakovskaya

Academy of Social Management

Author for correspondence.
Email: gvera66@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2056-1801

Doct. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of Management Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Ol'ga A. Olicheva

Director of the Istra Lyceum

Email: licey-istra@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1377-1256

Cand. Hist. Sci., Director

Russian Federation, Moscow


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