Blended learning module for universities and extended education programs

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The paper is devoted to the actual problem of the implementation of educational programs of higher education in the conditions of digitalization and the transition to online forms of teaching. As a basic model, a mixed form of teaching is considered, when all the information part of the educational course is brought online, but at the same time all practical classes are carried out in the classroom in the traditional contact form. The paper examines in detail the procedure for creating, implementing and operating an educational module implemented in a mixed hybrid format and actually provides a teaching technology that can be widely replicated in a wide variety of educational fields. As an example, the study considers the educational module of the block «Theoretical and probabilistic methods of data analysis», which includes video content of 100–150 clips lasting 8–10 minutes, a communication medium, printed materials and step-by-step operating instructions. The issues of content production, its time and content formats are considered. In addition, the issues of creating and operating a communication environment in which the educational process takes place are considered. Special attention is paid to the issues of monitoring the activities of all participants in the educational process: both students and teachers, as well as content creators, a media group working on its production and maintenance. In addition, the risks of the project are analyzed, recommended risk management measures are proposed. The module is implemented in the Blended Learning format and is designed to be used in educational programs of higher professional education and in extended education programs. Its subject matter (probability theory and data analysis) is presented in such a way that, once implemented, it will be in demand in a wide range of educational areas: from sociology, biology and medicine to economics, energy, construction and mechanical engineering.

About the authors

Egorova P. Egorova

Samara State Technical University


Cand. Phys. and Math. Sci., Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics Department

Russian Federation, 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100, Russia

Anton A. Abashkin

Samara State Technical University


Cand. Phys. and Math. Sci., Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Vladimir G. Mosin

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

Cand. Phys. and Math. Sci., Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Copyright (c) 2021 Egorova E.P., Abashkin A.A., Mosin V.G.

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