Influence of the professional-pedagogical community on the activities of a modern teacher

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The paper shows that the dynamically occurring changes in education dictate all new requirements for teachers, for the fulfillment of which it is necessary to integrate their efforts within the professional and pedagogical community. The aim of the study was to study the role of the professional pedagogical community in the activities of the teacher. With the help of content analysis of scientific articles, numerous and disparate categories describing the concept of a professional pedagogical community were considered, their synthesis was made in the form of a mental map, the analysis of which made it possible to clarify the influence of the ethos of the professional pedagogical community on the content of the activity of an individual teacher. Based on a review of the functions carried out by the teacher, given in the normative documents regulating the activities of the educational sphere, the substantiation of the requirements for the teacher’s competencies is given. The comparison of professional tasks solved by teachers (methodological, informational and communicative-regulatory directions) made it possible to find their consistency with the tasks of the professional pedagogical community (self-development and community management, development of the teaching profession in general), which makes it a promising tool for solving modern pedagogical problems. The developed mental map, which clearly demonstrates the relationship between the characteristics used to describe the professional pedagogical community, can be used by researchers to further study the phenomenon of the professional pedagogical community.

About the authors

Anastasiya S. Lapina

Omsk State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4259-6685

Lecturer of Physics and Physics Teaching Methodology Department

Russian Federation, Omsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The position of ethos among mores and morals

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3. Fig. 2. Comparison of classifications of teacher functions

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4. Fig. 3. Mental map, including the main categories related to the professional and pedagogical community. The full version of the mind map can be found here:

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Copyright (c) 2021 Lapina A.S.

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