The correlation between type of planning action and a style of features thinking

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The article discusses the issue of the individual characteristics of the development of theoretical thinking in the early adolescence. It introduces the idea of the relationship of formal-dynamic features of thinking and meaningful mental operations. As an indicator of the development of theoretical thinking is considered meaningful planning. The typology of planning action considered in the article is based on the distinction of positions encountered in educational activities.The study presents the results of a correlation analysis, on the basis of which a relationship is established between the types of planning actions (meaningful operation of theoretical thinking) and cognitive styles of field dependence-independence, lability- rigidity, concreteness-generality (formal-dynamic features of thinking).

About the authors

Igor N. Fedekin

Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University

Cand. Psych. Sci., Head of Psychology and Pedagogy Department 28, Nizametdinova str., Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan, 423806, Russia


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