Management information system professional development of the student in the process of independent work

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The article is devoted to solving the problem of improving the quality of higher education and enabling students to make maximum use of their intellectual and creative potential for professional development in the process of independent work.The analysis of the educational process organization is carried out and the problem moments of realization of the principles of individualization and developing training are revealed. The necessity of development of creativity as a key characteristic of a competitive specialist is substantiated, the main approaches to its definition and development are investigated. The mechanism of formation of creativity of students in the process of independent work has been developed in consideration of the works of D. B. Bogoyavlenskaya, and N. F. Vishnjakovoj, T. A. Barysheva.The research was based on the generalization and development in the context of digital professional education of the experience of organization of independent work and creative self-development of students of Tambov state technical University. The mathematical modeling of the process of management of professional development of students was carried out.According to the results of the study, the key indicators characterizing the current level of competence formation are formulated, and the conceptual provisions of individualization of training within the framework of organized independent work of students on the basis of the principles of developing training are developed. Formalization, mathematical modeling is carried out and methodology of design of adaptive information system of management of professional formation of the student in the course of independent work is proved. The task of optimization of sustainable work is set and several variants of the criterion of optimization are offered, allowing to provide the maximum satisfaction of both the employers ' society and the individual in obtaining high-quality competitive technical education.The developed approaches to the formalization of the processes of training organization and mathematical modeling of the process of professional formation, to the determination of the complexity of tasks and improvement of the current abilities of the student through the transition from the development zone to the zones of near and subsequent development are of significant theoretical and practical importance for improving the quality of the higher education system.

About the authors

Mikhail N. Krasnyansky

Tambov State Technical University

Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Rector 106, Soviet str., Tambov, 392000, Russia

Andrey I. Popov

Andrey I.

Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of Electronic Learning Department 106, Soviet str., Tambov, 392000, Russia

Artem D. Obukhov

Tambov State Technical University

Cand. Tech. Sci., Senior Teacher of Computer-Integrated Systems in Machine Building Department 106, Soviet str., Tambov, 392000, Russia

Sergey V. Karpushkin

Tambov State Technical University

Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor of Computer-integrated systems in machine building Department. 106, Soviet str., Tambov, 392000, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Krasnyansky M.N., Popov A.I., Obukhov A.D., Karpushkin S.V.

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