Formation of research skills of future engineers in the process of studying material science

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The need to constantly improve the quality of training of engineers and insufficient attention to the problems of teaching technical subjects in universities determine the relevance of this study. Today, with the rapid development of technique and technology, research skills are necessary for each specialist. However, an engineer needs not only to possess common research methods but also to be able to competently conduct experiments using modern complex equipment and materials. The article considers the formation of research skills of future engineers on the example of teaching the academic discipline “Methods of research of micro- and nano-systems”. The authors formulated the objectives of the course and investigated the possibilities of developing research skills in lectures, practical classes and laboratory work. An example of the organization of the laboratory work “Preparation of micro-sections” is considered in detail. After performing the laboratory work the students’ survey was conducted. Students were asked to briefly describe in writing their impressions of the work done: what they learned, and what they liked (or did not like), what difficulties they had in doing the work. In their essays, students noted the need for this type of work and usefulness for the future profession and general development. Analysis of the survey results is consistent with the findings of foreign scientists, who note that modern research engineers have such qualities of thinking as creativity, consistency, optimism, cooperation, communication skills, and openness to the new, curiosity. This fact confirms the effectiveness of the developed teaching methods for growing the research skills of future engineers.

About the authors

Natalia V. Kosareva

Yaroslavl State Technical University

Cand. Tech. Sci., Associate Professor of Materials Technology, Standardization and Metrology Department. 88, Moskovskiy Prosp., Yaroslavl, 150023, Russia

Elena V. Kuznetsova

Lipetsk State Technical University

Cand. Phys. and Math. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics 30, Moskovskaya St., Lipetsk, 398600, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Kosareva N.V., Kuznetsova E.V.

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