The competition of scientific and technical literature translators as the way of translation competence formation of students studying at electrical engineering department of Samara State Technical University is considered

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Distribution of scientific and technical knowledge demands both development of the theory of translation business, and improvement of professional translators training. In this paper the Competition of scientific and technical literature translators as the way of translation competence formation of students studying at Electrical Engineering department of Samara State Technical University is considered. The translation competence means the concept characterizing professional ability of a translator to carry out communicative mediation in various fields of activity, namely the set of knowledge, skills directed to adequate perception, text interpretation and communicative effect. Also typical mistakes made by students while translating the text and recommendations to avoid them are given, as the translation of technical texts is a hard process in which a lot of parameters and features of both native and foreign languages have to be considered.

About the authors

Amalia L. Kyuregyan

Samara State Technical University

Cand. of Phil. Sci., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department. 244, Molodogvardeyskaya Str., Samara, 443010, Russia

Olga A. Rybalchik

Samara State Technical University

Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department. 244, Molodogvardeyskaya Str., Samara, 443010, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2017 Kyuregyan A.L., Rybalchik O.A.

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