The effectiveness of educational influences as one of the main problems of the pedagogical process

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This paper shows that one of the main problems is the problem of the quality of education effectiveness of educational influences. The question of evaluating the effectiveness of educational influences. The paper presents an analysis of the problems of assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical influence, it is shown that one way to assess the effectiveness of a resource analysis and antiresursov subjects and their personalities change as a result of the educational impact. Where a person is understood phenomena resources available to the person to achieve this goal, and under antiresursami phenomena that prevent the achievement of goals. Develops a new understanding of efficiency, in accordance with which the efficiency is the difference between resources and antiresursami. An algorithm for improving the efficiency of the educational impact, based on the analysis of resources and antiresursov subjects of educational impact is an assessment of the dynamics of change and the resources antiresursov in the interaction of educational process.

About the authors

Leonid B. Ershteyn

Institute of Printing Arts of St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Assistant professor of information and control systems. 18, Bolshaya Morskaya str., St. Petersburg, 191186


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Copyright (c) 2014 Ershteyn L.B.

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