Methodological reference-points of training to innovative engineering activity of automobile transport profile

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The implementation of innovation development strategies is a prerequisite for the effective operation of modern transport complex enterprises.Engineering and technical personnel capable of perceiving, creating and using techno-technological and organizational innovations is becoming a key corporate value of a motor transport enterprise developing according to an innovative type. The graduates of the university, who have completed the preparation of a bachelor's degree in motor transport, supplement the engineering and technical corps of auto service enterprises. The need for innovation activity, formed in the sphere of profile production, actualizes the orientation of the educational process of the university on the formation of the graduates' readiness for active participation in industrial innovation activities. Legislative introduction of state competence-oriented educational standards of higher education testifies to the formation of a new culture in the Russian engineering school- a culture of standardization of the result of professional education. The structural component of standardization in the field of education is the intra-university educational standartization. Legislatively, the university is given the opportunity to rule- making - the design of educational goals reflecting regional socio-economic characteristics of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Innovative activities in the field of truck production are multifaceted. This determines the multifaceted nature of educational goals, reflecting the willingness of graduates of the university to profile innovative activities. In view of this, it is advisable to apply an interdisciplinary approach and competence approach as the overall methodological basis for designing educational goals. The projected educational goals represent the competence of the graduate of the university and his personal qualities as readiness to participate in managerial, production, marketing and innovation activities. The student's understanding of his own professional identity is a prerequisite for achieving an effective result of preparation for core production innovation. The information-accumulative model of the educational process, traditional for the Russian engineering school, loses its relevance in the context of the orientation toward preparation for innovative activity.The pedagogical potential of projective and problem-based learning, technology of contextual learning is most consistent with the productive implementation of an innovative-oriented educational process.The generalized structural composition of the innovation process serves as an information basis for determining the structural composition of the aggregate of the projected educational goals (competences of the graduate of the university), which ensure the orientation of the educational process for preparing students for core industrial innovation activity.

About the authors

Galina V. Bukalova

Orel State University

Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of the Vehicle Service and Repair Department. 77, Moscow St., Orel, 302030, Russia


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