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Currently, a person must have the professionalism and intelligence to make informed decisions in different situations, in an increasingly complex socio-economic conditions. All this increases the demand for graduates of educational institutions. In these circumstances, an objective assessment of students' knowledge is becoming one of the most important criteria for the quality of education. This has implications not only for the entire education system, but also personally for each student. Therefore, considerable attention must be paid to testing. There are very different kinds of pedagogical tests. Of great interest is the study of the issues of testing in accordance with the goals and objectives of education in various stages of the learning process. The authors analyze the literature on testing and development of various kinds of tests, approaches to testing of students, improve the efficiency of the process. Along with these options are designed the training and supervising tests in general, inorganic and organic chemistry and work program in accordance with the content of national tests in chemistry for University. The program is supplemented by such basic fields of chemistry, as classes of inorganic compounds, especially the hydrolysis of salts, electrolysis of melts and solutions of salts, etc., The knowledge of which is necessary for training in technical colleges. Also an analysis of the current state of the problem is carried out, the types of tests are analyzed. This article illustrates one embodiment of the training test in chemistry on "classes of inorganic compounds", summarizes the results of many years of testing students MBOU school № 129 GO Samara (Rosneft classes) for core and compulsory subjects.

About the authors

Vera I. Peninа

Samara State Technical University

Candidate of Chemistry, Associate professor of the general and inorganic chemistry. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100

Olga Yu. Afanasyeva

Samara State Technical University

andidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor of the general and inorganic chemistry. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100


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Copyright (c) 2014 Peninа V.I., Afanasyeva O.Y.

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