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The article aims to discuss the topic of the foreign language learning in a technical university. The process of integration in the international educational area demands higher level of language skills of students, masters, postgraduates, professors and teachers. Foreign language knowledge has to guarantee participation in international conferences, in programs of the exchange of students, participation in lectures of leading scientists, and in international discussions. It demands a high level of foreign language proficiency and a system of language training in the university.The set of foreign language courses of a technical university was analyzed; postgraduate students were questioned and tested according the language level. It was identified a lack of educational programs to fill any gaps in language training, and to support speech skills. An additional educational program was designed and developed that is aimed at solving the challenges. The article also shows the location of the new program in the overall system of language training and describes in detail the educational environment of the department of foreign languages in the educational space of a technical university in conditions of modernization; it helps also to reach the level of education that meets the standards of leading universities.

About the authors

Olga N. Martynova

Samara State Aerospace University

(PhD), Associate professor, Dept. Foreign Languages. 34, Moskovskoye sh., Samara, 443086


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