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The necessity of future engineers’ working with professional literature in foreign languages is mentioned in the article. The process mentioned above is performed by means of translation. The emphasis is made on the translation creative nature which is based on the information understanding and interpretation. In its turn analysis, synthesis, comparison, matching compose the basis of these processes. These thinking operations help reveal implicitknowledge promoting the search for the appropriate phrase in the text translated. The theoretical analysis let us define the following criteria of creative translation: vocabulary creative use, extra linguistic creative use and translation decision. Common lexis presence in the scientific text makes it difficult to find the proper translation correspondence. The indicator of the vocabulary creative use is the choice of the lexical units for the context given. To get an adequate text requires sophisticated translation transformations. The indicator of this criterion is the use of such transformation as generalization, concretization, modulation supposing consideration of the implicit bounds between lexical units. Successful foreign language learning is stimulated by acquiring extra linguistic information playing role in students’ personality forming. Extra linguistic criterion defines the degree of mastering context knowledge for its being used in the translation. For students’ motivation to take place, humanitarian technologies were used - mind mapping and ‘cheater Google’ and flickr technology.

About the authors

Polina G. Labzina

Samara State Technical University

Teacher of Foreign Languages Department. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya str., 443100

Alfiya V. Moskvina

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Professor of Pedagogical Department. 19, Sovetskaya str., 460014


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Copyright (c) 2014 Labzina P.G., Moskvina A.V.

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