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To Increase work motivation of specialists is the most important task of organizational psychology. It is proved that it's not always money that motivates people to work better. The problem of increasing employee motivation is systemic and requires a comprehensive approach when dealing with it. The existing methods of increasing employee motivation are based on the results of socio-psychological research. It is believed that effective motivation of people is not possible without defining their needs in order of importance and without ensuring the ability to meet this need in the workforce. It is noted that the motives of human behavior are rather complicated and not always easy to understand. Value orientations form an integrated system personality. Some point in time and space, some of the activities are linked with the system of value orientations, due to which they achieve the highest level of mental activity and mobilization of the whole body.

About the authors

Nataliya L. Klyachkina

Samara State Technical University

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100


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