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This paper addresses the issue of the transition to the two-tier system of higher education in the Russian Federation, consisting of Bachelor and Master degrees. It is also mentioned that the question of the content of foreign language teaching in the Masters is only at the stage of its formation. The major differences in the training of the multi-level system of higher education are listed. Based on the marked distinctive features, the authors of the paper emphasize the need to supplement the content of foreign language teaching for holders of a Master Degree.Then the ultimate teaching goals and objectives are listed, by which it becomes possible to identify the main criteria for the selection of texts for the development of speech and writing in a foreign language for graduate students in non-linguistic university. As follows from the analysis of the practical applications of language in professional fields, the authors select sample-texts corresponding to the previously listed criteria in the paper.A list of the texts required for training each of the types of speech activity (reading, listening, speaking, writing) is given. From the authors’ point of view, these types of texts as much as possible reflect the content of the language education of undergraduates in accordance with Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation. At the end of the article the authors conclude that those professionally oriented sample-texts containing the necessary vocabulary for each of the specialties, designed not only to develop all kinds of speech activity, but also serve as a basis for further self-development of an existing level of foreign language and its application in real-life communication (both business and living environment) of the students and graduates of the Master Degree.

About the authors

Svetlana V. Krutskaya

Samara State Technical University

Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Assistant of the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100

Lilia R. Nurtdinova

Samara State Technical University

Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara, 443100


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Copyright (c) 2014 Krutskaya S.V., Nurtdinova L.R.

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