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The relevance of the article is caused by the introduction of the Federal state standard of pre-school education. To realize it a pedagogue needs to know modern pedagogical technologies which can provide the efficiency and intensification of the educational process. Due to these facts it is necessary to pay attention to the technological component of the professional activity when organizing the process of professional education. According to the concept of competence approach the technological component can be considered as a technological competence. The author gives the structure of the technological competence of pedagogues of pre-school education which includes the following components: motivation and value components, cognitive and activity ones. There are criteria and indicators of this kind of competence which are given according to the levels of formation of the competence. The method of studying the mastering of components of the technological competence is stated. The results of ascertaining and control experiments are also presented which show the dynamics of the process of forming the components of the technological competence. Some special features of realization of the training program with the help of module training are also revealed. The content of the training program is also introduced according to the educational module which is the integral educational unit. This unit has some correlative informational parts. The author considers each information part and points to the fact that the information in them actualizes motivation, cognitive and practical activity of pre-school pedagogues. A special attention is paid to the usage of methods and kinds of pedagogues’ training. Their efficiency on different stages is marked. The author experimentally proves the result of the realization of the technological competence pedagogues training method. They are: mastering of technological knowledge and skills by pedagogues in the field of modern educational technologies; actualizing of aspiration to self-development and self-improvement in professional pedagogical activity

About the authors

Natalia Y. Karakozova

Togliatti State University

applicant of pedagogy and teaching methodology 14, Belarus Str., Togliatti, 445667


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