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In the article the readiness for risk management is treated as an actual component of the engineering competence which determines the opportunity and productivity of the objective, conscious and competent activity which are in competence of the bachelor by the establishment of the character of production and technological risks and the solution of problems of localization, compensation and elimination of possible negative consequences of the activity of manufacturing enterprises. In the course of its formation, the maintenance of engineering education corresponds to the requirements of professional standards, innovative productions and risk analysis in industries; the practice of engineering education joins the methods of modeling and prototyping which are learnt by the students in the interdisciplinary educational and independent work, research activity and work practice during the interaction of students, teachers and employers.

About the authors

Isabella D. Belonovskaya

Orenburg state university

doctor of pedagogical sciences, сandidate of Technical Sciences, professor, Orenburg state university, Space institute, professor of chair of technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and complexes. 13, Pobedy Ave., Orenburg, 460018

Elena M. Ezerskaya

Orenburg state university

competitor of department of the general and professional pedagogic Orenburg state university, Space institute, teacher. 13, Pobedy Ave., Orenburg, 460018


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Copyright (c) 2015 Belonovskaya I.D., Ezerskaya E.M.

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