DIDACTICS OF HIGHer SCHOOL: Instrumental support of SOFTWARE modern educational technologies

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The article discusses the current issues related to the innovative aspects of the didactics of higher education. It is noted that educational innovations are now able to get enough of a powerful impetus to the development not only due to the design of new models of the educational process, but also due to the instrumental support of the educational technologies that are already in use. The author dwells on the use of information and communication technologies to stimulate cognitive activity of students, enhance their self-development and the need for self-improvement. A detailed analysis of the possibilities of cloud computing on the example of the use of Google services for the organization of joint productive activity of students. The practical implementation of the educational model "inverted learning", design methodology and tool support educational routes are demonstrated. The article analyzes the didactic potential of Web 2.0 services to support educational model BYOD (bring your own device). It is emphasized that the use of these services allows us to consider the educational process as a process of creating new unique content and active interaction of subjects with each other through this content. In conclusion the need to reduce the existing digital divide between teachers and students is highlighted. This is a necessary condition for improving the quality of higher education.

About the authors

Olga F. Bryksina

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Email: bryksina@gmail.com
candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies in Education. 65/67 M. Gorkogo str., Samara, 443099

Marina V. Kalinkina

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Email: kalinkinamv@gmail.com
senior lecturer in information and communication technologies in education. 65/67 M. Gorkogo str., Samara, 443099


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Copyright (c) 2014 Bryksina O.F., Kalinkina M.V.

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